  • 學位論文


Apply Game Theoretic Analysis to the Coordination of Trade Policies

指導教授 : 蔡政言
共同指導教授 : 孫嘉祈




Under currently interdependent and concerted international trade conditions, coordinating trade policies between countries do not have to consider the possible respones from different groups with their own interests domestically, but also need to think strategically and interactivly with the interactions with the other international economic organizations and countries in a game structure. Thus, this study takes the trade relation between Taiwan and minland China as an example to discuss the possible development of such a strategic trade policy from the analysis of Nash equilibrium in a game setup and tries to illustrate the possibles outcomes by providing some particular examples. This study concludes that managing trade policies may be the second best choice when difficulties arise for countries to reach their best trade policies. That is, the second best may be the solution for countries to serch for their comparative advantages and may take the advantage of the benefit of international specification. In addition, this study goes on the analysis of strategic behavior of the interacting trade policy between Taiwan and China based on the concept of game theory. By employing the classical prisoner's dilemma from the game theory, this study is able to derive the possible interacting trade policies across Taiwn strait. Furthermore, it probes into what circumstances may probably occur when payoff can actually be decomposited into the subtle in parts. The study ends with the discussion of the benefits of cooperation internationally from the long run perspective terms and of how to achieve the desired outcomes in negotiations and to commit the promises of ECFA for both sides.


game theory trade policy ECFA


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