  • 學位論文


Tectonic Studies for Textile Architecture with Ceramic Material

指導教授 : 陳珍誠 黃瑞茂


「織理性」建築的意義除了形態與造型的描述,也了涵蓋織物紋理圖像的構成,以及構造與構築上的討論。織理性應用在陶質建築設計上的意義與材料物性、單元組成、與結構行為有關;因此,就本研究而言,建築的織理性涵蓋了形式、組織、與構築上的意義。 關於建築的織理性的描述觀點眾多,就陶質建築相關案例資料的歸納,本研究主要將陶質建築的織理性分為三類:具體性、類編織、與隱喻性。這三類除了具有構造上的意義,也涉及了形式與視覺效果的部分。本研究則以構築議題為主軸,探討影響織理性的相關因素,藉由客觀的描述方式,清楚釐清了非疊砌與非懸掛織理性的可能,並設計與發展其相關的構造細部。 對於織理性構築的理解,利用陶質構件的製造,在建築上產生新的應用可能,有助於陶構件產生新的構造方式,將使得陶構件脫離對傳統結構牆體的依賴;使傳統陶質材料在構件形式、接合方式與裝配組織上有新的設計思維。在發展織理性構造的設計實驗前,建立對於織理性層級關係的理解。本研究的研究流程如下: 1. 透過案例分析、文獻回顧,建立建築的織理性理論模型; 2. 以設計實驗來檢驗並修正建築的織理性理論模型; 3. 由接合方式的發展、材料構築、組織構成,探討織理性構築的層級關係; 4. 應用發展性較佳的接合方式,作為後續織理性構件與構造設計之發展。 最後,關於陶質建築的織理性研究結論為:1.構件形式上以特殊性為主,而構件之間使用的接合物則為一般的素材;2. 構件盡可能保持在接合型態上的自由度;3. 不要有太多的接合點位置,接合方式朝向定位型態的方向發展;4. 定位接合關係的接合型態,其構件形式設計的替換性高。三維的織理性可跳脫陶質建築傳統疊砌式與懸掛式的構造與工法,藉由三維組織來提供非正交組合與結構承載力的可行性。本研究關於陶質建築織理性的討論,期待能為下階段的建築材料、施工方法與構築帶來新的討論方向。


Architextiles refers to the extension of tectonics theory in architecture to encompass not only descriptions of structure and design, but also the visual semiotic construction of architextiles, and the discussion between their topologies and use in architecture. When applied to the ceramic textiles design context, Architextiles signifies not only the structural aspects of the textiles, or the integration of the essential qualities of the fibers, but also their overall functionality and appearance; hence, in this study, Architextiles intends to consider all aspects of tectonic architecture including form, fit and architectural significance. There are many theoretical frameworks applying tectonics in architecture, but through a focus on ceramic architecture case materials, this study delineates three major tectonic perspectives on ceramic architecture: thematic, textile-like, and metaphor. These three typologies not only form a complete structural perspective, but also afford a synergistic consideration of form and visual effects. This study thus relies on tectonic theory, to inform thought about the relevant components which impact Architextiles by employing objective descriptions, to clarify non-stackable and non-curtain wall possibilities, and to discuss design and development of their related structural elements and details. In terms of our understanding of tectonics in architecture, the use of ceramic component products, can open new vistas in architectural applications, which synergistically affects new opportunities for ceramic component manufacturing methods, which free the technology from traditional uses limited to serving as wall structure elements; such that traditional ceramic materials in their component forms, methods of juncture, and overall structure can enjoy unprecedented creative design regenerative potentials. Before developing tectonic design experiments, it is imperative to gain an understanding of the tectonic topologies. So this study proceeds as follows: 1. Engaging in case studies and literature review, to construct a model of tectonic architectural principles referred to as Architextiles; 2. Through applied design experiments, we apply and challenge our theoretical constructs for the Architextiles tectonic architecture model; 3. Deploy an integrative approach to consider the development, textiles, and structural principles, of Architextiles topologies. 4. By applying optimized solutions to find the best development paths, we intend to provide guidance for future tectonic architecture efforts focused on developing designs for components and juncture systems. Finally, we conclude this analysis of tectonic architecture by finding: 1. the design of component shapes focuses on achieving uniqueness, while the means of adhering or adjoining various components tends to be ordinary connective materials; 2. components should tend to maintain a high degree of connective potential; 3. there should not be too many locus points for connections among components, and future designs for connection methods should focus on positioning strategies; 4. positioning programs integrated design structures, enjoys a very high degree of component design adaptability, flexibility and malleability. 3-dimensional architextiles can overcome the limits imposed by stacking and suspending methods imposed by traditional structures and the craft of producing ceramic components. This study hopes to have achieved some success in discussing ceramic architectonics, and thereby guiding the way for future new efforts in architectural materials design, craftsmanship and construction methods, and tectonics.


a. Els Zijlstra (2007). Architectural Textiles.
b. Empics (2006). Architecture + Textiles =Architextiles,AD.
c. Musée Carnavalet. (2006). Prologue for a History and Theory of Architextiles, AD, p.13~14.
f. Kenneth Frampton (1995) . Studies in Tectonic Culture. The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts London.
k. Frank Lloyd Wright (1963). An American Architecture. New York:Crown, p121-122.
