  • 學位論文


A Survey on the Competence of Nurse Anesthetists -Discrepancy Between Nurse Anesthetists and Anesthesiologists’ Perspectives

指導教授 : 陳大樑
共同指導教授 : 陳靜敏(Ching-Min Chen)


本研究旨在以麻醉醫護人員的角度來檢視麻醉護理人員工作現況職能的表現,係依『職能評鑑法』(Competence at Work)所述「人類服務工作者」職能內涵,包括衝擊與影響力、培養他人、人際EQ、自信心、自我控制力、其他個人效率、專業知能、顧客服務傾向、團隊與合作精神、分析式思考、概念式思考、主動積極、彈性、直接卅果斷性等構面,探討麻醉醫護人員對麻醉護理人員職能之期望與認知,並比較麻醉醫護人員之間的差異。其結果冀望能做為爾後麻醉護理人員的篩選、教育、證照制度的方向及臨床工作績效考核之依據。 本研究藉由問卷調查方式蒐集資料,問卷蒐集之量化資料以SPSS軟體做統計分析。研究結果顯示: 一、麻醉護理人員對自我職能期望高於對自我職能認知。 二、麻醉醫師對麻醉護理人員職能期望高於對麻醉護理人員職能認知。 三、對麻醉護理人員職能期望上,麻醉護理人員與麻醉醫師沒有顯著差異。 四、對麻醉護理人員職能認知上,麻醉護理人員高於麻醉醫師。 麻醉醫護人員對麻醉護理人員職能期望與認知的差異是一個值得繼續探討與評估的議題。在麻醉護理人員教育與訓練上,應專業化與統一化,必須由「政策改進」與「職業文化」兩方面著手,以達到麻醉護理人員職能全面成長,提升麻醉護理人員素質,與麻醉醫師共同維護病人的麻醉醫療品質。


This thesis adopts the perspective of nurse anesthetists and anesthesiologists to examine their professional competence in their current work condition. Specifically, it analyzes the professional expectation and self-perception of nurse anesthetists and explores the discrepancy between them, in terms of seventeen dimensions developed by the Competence at Work. These dimensions are as follows: the ability of impact and influence, support of others, interpersonal EQ, self-confidence, self-control, other personal efficiency, professional knowledge and skills at pre-professional stage, professional knowledge and skills at mid-professional state, professional knowledge and skills at late state, synthetic components of professional knowledge and skills, orientation toward customer service, spirits for cooperation and team work, analytic thinking , conceptual thinking, pro-activity/initiatives, flexibility, and directness/decisiveness. The purpose of this study is to provide a basis for and help orient the selection, education, certification of nurse anesthetists, and the assessments of their clinical work in the future. This study employs the method of survey through questionnaires. Quantitative data collected through survey are analyzed statistically using SPSS softwares. The findings indicate: 1. Nurse anesthetists show a high degree of discrepancy regarding their self-expectation and perception. 2. Anesthesiologists display a high degree of discrepancy regarding nurse anesthetists’ professional self-expectation and perception. 3. There is no significant difference regarding nurse anesthetists’ professional expectation between nurse anesthetists and anesthesiologists. 4. Nurse anesthetists show a higher degree regarding their professional expectation than that of anesthesiologists. The question regarding the discrepancy between nurse anesthetists’ professional expectation and perception is an issue worthy of further study and continual assessment. With regard to the education and training of nurse anesthetists, the objectives of professionalization and standardization can only be achieved by policy adjustments and developments of professional or organizational culture. It is only by this two-way approach can we secure the overall growth of nurse anesthetists, the desired improvement of their professional competence, and the provision of anesthetic care quality for patients through the joint effort offered by anesthesiologists.


