  • 學位論文


Exploring the Relationships Between Quality of Life and Menopause Symptom, Attitude, Knowledge Among a Sample of Female High School Teachers Over 35 Years of Age in Taipei

指導教授 : 廖媛美


論文摘要 論文名稱:臺北地區35歲以上高中職女性教師更年期症狀、態度、 知識與生活品質之探討 研究所名稱:臺北醫學大學護理學研究所 研究生姓名:陳偉華 畢業時間:97學年度第2學期 指導教授:廖媛美(臺北醫學大學護理研究所 副教授) 本研究為一橫斷式設計之描述性研究,以臺北地區高中職之35歲以上女性教師為母群體,採集束抽樣完成有效問卷482份。研究目的在探討35歲以上高中職女性教師更年期症狀、更年期態度、更年期知識與生活品質的現況,及生活品質的可能預測因子。 研究工具為一結構式問卷,所得研究資料以SPSS 15.0統計套裝軟體進行t檢定、變異數分析。 本研究女性教師之平均年齡為44.26歲(±6.40),其更年期症狀標準化得分為10.91±10.24(範圍=0-46)分。更年期症狀發生率較多的前五項症狀依序為:感覺疲倦或缺少活力、肌肉關節痛有、不容易入睡、容易發怒、容易激動及頭痛,最少發生的症狀為無故哭泣。泌尿道症狀方面,287位(71.0%)女性教師有一項或一項以上之泌尿道症狀。更年期態度標準化得分為44.91分(±5.64),(範圍=23-58分),整體更年期態度趨向正向。更年期知識標準化得分為21.54分(±4.46)(範圍=0-35),整體更年期知識量表中,更年期保健與荷爾蒙替代療法相關知識層面題目得分偏低。SF-36台灣版測量八個層面之生活品質(範圍= 0-100分),身體生理功能層面分數平均得分為86.51±15.63、因身體生理問題所導致的角色功能受限分數平均得分73.70為±37.52、身體疼痛分數平均得分為81.87±16.64、一般健康狀況分數平均得分為57.60±18.43、活力分數平均得分為54.05±17.70、社會功能分數平均得分為76.08±17.57、因情緒問題所導致的角色功能受限分數平均得分為70.30±39.20、心理健康分數平均得分為61.92±14.98。整體而言,女性教師之生活品質得分以身體生理功能層面分數為最高,活力層面分數為最低。 年齡、有無規則運動、更年期症狀、更年期態度及更年期知識為生活品質的可能預測因子,整體可解釋的變異量為22%。 本研究結果可為學校健康照顧者瞭解到女性教師生活品質之可能預測因子,並制定相關健康政策與有提供合宜的資訊,以提升女性教師更年期相關知識,使其能保持正向之態度因應更年期及選擇合宜方式處理更年期症狀,以維持更年期階段良好之生活品質。


Title of Thesis: Exploring the Relationships Between Quality of Life and Menopause Symptom, Attitude, Knowledge Among a Sample of Female High School Teachers Over 35 Years of Age in Taipei Institution: Graduate Institute of Nursing, Taipei Medical University Author: Wei-Hua Chen Thesis directed by: Yuan-Mei Liao (Assistance Professor, College of Nursing Taipei Medical University) This study was a cross-sectional, descriptive study and the subjects were selected using cluster sampling. Female teachers that were over 35 years old female from senior high school in Taipei were invited to participate. There were 482 questionnaires eventually completed with a response rate of 96.4%. The purpose of this study was to investigate current climacteric symptoms, menopause attitude, climacteric knowledge and quality of life (QOL), and related predictive factors in over 35 years old senior high school female teachers. Data were collected with structured questionnaires .Data analysis was conducted with the SPSS/15.0 Windows software statistical package. The main study findings are as follows: The mean age was 44.26(±6.40)years old for female teachers in this study. The standard score on The Greene climacteric scale was10.9±10.24(range=0-46). About 71%( n=287) women experienced one or more than one LUTS. The standard score on the menopause attitude scale was 44.91(±5.64),(range=23-58)”Menopause as a natural phenomenon” were the positive attitude that female teachers were most agree the scale was high. The standard score on the Climacteric knowledge scale was21.54 (±4.46)(range=0-35).” Climacteric health and Hormone replacement therapy” were the two scale that female teachers were more to lack the scale was low. The mean value of QOL (range = 0-100) measured by the SF-36 questionnaire in eight domains were: PF : 86.51±15.63,RP:73.70±37.52,BP:81.87±16.64, GH:57.60±18.43, vitality 54.05±17.70,SF: 76.08±17.57, RE:70.30±39.20, and MH:61.92±14.98. Age, regular exercise habit, menopause symptom(s), menopause attitude and Climacteric knowledge were significantly related to female teachers’ QOL in several domains. A negative relationship exists between menopause symptoms and QOL. Female teachers who experienced severer menopause symptoms reported lower QOL. With multiple regression analysis, age, regular exercise habit menopause symptoms, menopause attitude, and Climacteric knowledge were significant in explaining 22 % of the variance in QOL. The study’s results can be used as a reference for the health giver at schools in order to promote a related health care program. The study subjects were senior high school female teachers at age 35 or older in Taipei and the study range was limited. More scopes can be included in future studies in order to enlarge the inference.




