  • 學位論文


Customer Relationship Management: Antecedents, Practices, Effectiveness and the Impact to Firm Performance

指導教授 : 陳家祥


網際網路應用的蓬勃發展帶給企業經營另一番思維與風貌。同時由於企業彼此的激烈競爭、消費意識的抬頭以及資訊越趨對稱,使得顧客期望趨向多樣性,服務水準的門檻也相對提高。為掌握顧客期望的需求與互動良好的售後服務,許多公司開始注重顧客關係的課題,並積極導入與實施顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management; CRM)。然而顧客關係管理實施並非一蹴即成,必須要有相當的資訊科技及人力投資、經營操作的改變、以及組織學習與調整等。其次,如何來評量顧客關係管理成效,而顧客關係管理的實施是否或如何提升企業績效,這些管理議題與作法均是企業主管急需了解的。因此,我們針對顧客關係管理議題作深入探討,首先利用驗證性因素分析(Confirmatory Factor Analysis; CFA)來檢測樣本的收斂效度與區辨效度,並運用結構方程模型來檢測整體模型適配度,最後則藉著迴歸模型的建立來檢測顧客關係管理成效與真實的財務資料間的關係,以及產業競爭強度是否對顧客關係管理實施與顧客關係管理成效間的關係產生干擾作用。研究發現資訊科技投資、組織吸收能力以及策略同步對顧客關係管理的實施分別有正向的影響關係,然而在整體分析時資訊科技投資對顧客關係管理實施的影響卻會被組織吸收能力以及策略同步所中介,因此我們提出修正模型來加以釐清。另外在研究中,我們發現顧客關係管理的實施確實對顧客關係管理成效有顯著的正向影響關係,並經由問卷調查的資料以及真實的財務資料證實顧客關係管理成效對企業的經營績效有顯著的正向影響關係。經由收集資料並加以統計分析及討論之後,希望本研究對產業及學界能有所貢獻。


With the emergence of e-commerce, many business organizations are finding themselves placed in highly competitive consumer-driven markets. Customer relationship management (CRM) offers organizations an information technology (IT)- enabled means to manage and learn from their customers such that many companies are dedicated many efforts to implement CRM practices. As a formidable strategic weapon, CRM tunes the organization into listening to its customers, and allows organization to develop customized products and services that cannot be easily duplicated, substituted or imitated by their competitors, and consequently more precisely fit their needs. However, implementing CRM is not an overnight project. It takes time and a lot of efforts on investing IT systems and manpower, changing management practices, and justifying organization climate. Further, a number of issues have to be addressed including whether and how implementing CRM practices can benefit the organization and how to evaluate CRM effectiveness. Solutions and directions of these issues are with great interests to corporate managers. Therefore, we conduct a thorough study on CRM. First, we use confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to assess discriminant validity and convergent validity. And then we estimated the structural equation model by LESREL 8.3, using the maximum likelihood estimation method. Finally, we estimated the impact of CRM effectiveness to financial data and moderator of CRM practices to CRM effectiveness by SPSS 12.0, using OLS. In the results, we find IT investment, absorptive capacity and strategic alignment have positive relationships on CRM practices separately. But the effects of IT investment will be mediated by absorptive capacity and strategic alignment in the whole model analysis. By this reason, we propose a modification model to explain it. In our study, we also prove CRM practices has positive influence on CRM effectiveness, and according to real financial data and survey data, we find CRM effectiveness have positive influence on firm performance. With conscientious analysis and careful discussion, we hope can make contribution to both academics and industries.


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