  • 學位論文


Exploring service quality in luxury goods industry by applying SERVQUAL scale and IPA: The case of brand A

指導教授 : 鄭雅穗


本研究旨在量測精品業之服務品質,並針對缺失處給予服務品質的改善建議。本研究以國際精品A品牌為個案對象,應用PZB的知覺服務品質缺口模式與其修正的SERVQUAL量表作為研究基礎,並透過與A品牌從業人員的深度訪談來獲知服務流程資訊,採立意抽樣的方式對A品牌顧客進行服務品質問卷調查。根據研究結果,顯示顧客期望最高與感受最差的服務品質項目主要與服務人員的態度有關,代表此項目在顧客心中存在最大的知覺服務品質缺口;經由重要度-表現度分析法與改善係數的排序分析,亦同樣驗證出改善服務人員的態度係A品牌提升服務品質的關鍵首務。因此,本研究提供A品牌幾點服務品質的改善建議,如下:(1) 將服務人員的親切形象融入品牌行銷中;(2) 輔助資訊科技的導入;(3) 成立服務品質管理小組;(4) 服務人員的自我監控。


服務品質 SERVQUAL量表 IPA 精品業


This study is proposed to explore the service quality of luxury goods industry, giving improvement advice against service quality failure. We introduce PZB service quality gap model and refined SERVAQUAL scale as research basis, and take brand A which is an international luxury brand as a case study. We obtain service process information by interviewing with manager of brand A, and use purposive sampling to conduct the service quality survey with brand A’s customers. In terms of the empirical result, first-line staff’s attitude is the primary item of the highest expectation and the worst experience, which refers to the biggest perceived service quality gap in customers’ minds. From the IPA and improvement index, we get the same conclusion, improving the first-line staff’s attitude, as well. Hence, we make some suggestions of improving service quality for brand A as follows: (1) integrate friendly image of the first-line staff into brand marketing activities; (2) IT-aided implementation; (3) organize service quality improved team; (4) self-supervised by the first-line staff.


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