  • 學位論文


The Effect of Parenting Style and Parent-Child Relationship on Smoking, Drinking and Betel quid Chewing Behavior in Adolescents

指導教授 : 何佩珊


研究背景: 因社會變遷、離婚率漸增、家庭結構改變,以致單親家庭、隔代教養家庭亦隨之增加,然家庭因素中尚包含有家庭教養風格與親子關係等,而這些因素對青少年族群吸菸、飲酒、嚼食檳榔行為的相關性又為何?因此引發本研究動機探討家庭教養風格與親子關係青少年族群吸菸、飲酒、嚼食檳榔行為的影響。 研究目的: 本研究主要在探討家庭教養風格與親子關係對青少年抽菸、喝酒嚼食檳榔行為之相關性與影響因素。 研究方法: 研究對象為屏東縣萬巒與潮州地區三所國中,總樣本數1221人,包括女生580人男生641人。研究工具是新訂賴氏人格測驗及結構式問卷,問卷內容包括:社會人口學基本資料、個人因素、家庭因素、親子關係量表、家庭教養風格量表及受試學生吸菸、飲酒、嚼食檳榔行為及其態度量表。 研究結果: 本研究結果發現:受試學生中以喝酒的人數最多佔29.56%(男生15.82%,女生13.74%),吸菸的學生佔15.75%(男生10.92%,女生4.83%),嚼食檳榔的學生較少佔8.87%(男生7.55%,女生1.33%);開始使用的時間均以國中以後為最多。迴歸分析顯示:就菸、酒、檳榔的態度而言,父母沒有使用菸、酒、檳榔者的態度得分每增加1分則父母有使用菸、酒、檳榔者的態度得分由減少0.32分~增加0.23分;在調整了性別、年級、態度及父母使用習慣後發現,家庭教養風格為疏忽冷漠型者其有吸菸、飲酒、嚼食檳榔行為的機會高於開明權威型家庭教養風格,分別為吸菸OR=2.49(1.57-3.92)、飲酒OR=1.40(0.97-2.01)、嚼食檳榔OR=3.22(1.78-5.81)。在調整了性別、年級、態度及父母使用習慣後發現,親子關係不佳者其有偏差行為的機會高於親子關係佳者,分別為與父親親子關係不佳:吸菸OR=1.52(0.91-2.51)、飲酒OR=1.38(0.92-2.09)、嚼食檳榔OR=2.26(1.24-4.08);與母親親子關係不佳:吸菸OR=1.60(0.92-2.74)、飲酒OR=1.98(1.28-3.04)、嚼食檳榔OR=2.20(0.61-2.30) ;就不同性別受試學生而言,影響男生較明顯的變項為親子關係,影響女生較明顯的變項為家庭教養風格。 結論與建議: 1、本研究證實家庭教養風格及親子關係,與青少年族群吸菸、飲酒、嚼食檳榔行為有關,經文獻查證得知,家庭教養風格及親子關係還是其他偏差行為的重要危險因素之ㄧ,因此加強親子教育對於青少年及家長應該能有所助益。 2、本研究之研究對象係國中生,經文獻探討發現有部分學生使用菸酒檳榔的年齡早在國小階段就有所接觸,建議家長及教育單位關於菸酒檳榔的防治教育的介入應該提早在國小階段進行,以期減低國中生使用菸酒檳榔之行為。


Background: Social change, the increase in the divorce rate, and the change of the family structure have leaded to a gradual increase single parent or grand-parenting families. Not only family structure, but parenting style and parent-child relationship could be important factors related to adolescent behavior.According to the literature, these factors are related to the behavior of adolescents who smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, and chew betel quid. Study objective: The purpore of this study is to explore the relationship between parenting style as well as parent-child relationship and the behavior of adolescents. Methods: The total sample of the subjects is 1221 (boys: 641 and girls: 580). The data of the research was collected by structural formula questionnaire. The tools of the measurement included the new Lai personality examination, parent-child relationship scale and parenting style scale.The questionnaire contained basic demographic information on adolescent attitude and behavior toward smoking, drinking, and chewing betel quid . Results: Among the subjects, the percentage of drinkers, smokers and chewers are 29.56%, 15.75% and 8.87% respectively. The regression analysis showed that the influence of the parents on cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking and betel quid chewing with a poor attitude is greater than that of the parents with a good attitude (-0.32~0.23 point). The other influence factors on adolescent included the behavior of cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking and betel quid chewing of the parents .An adolescent in uninvolved parenting are more likely to have these habits than other styles(OR=1.40~4.80;95%of CI=0.97-8.61). The poor parent-child relationship is more likely having these habits(OR=176~2.79;95%of CI=1.27-4.12).In female’s adolescent’s habits, the Parenting style is an influence factor, but in the male habits, the Parent-child relationship is the important risk factor. Recommendation: Parenting style and parent-child relationship are risk factors of behavior deviation. Therefore, the authorities and parents should strengthen parent-child education and prevent students from using cigarettes, alcohol and betel nuts.


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