  • 學位論文


The proposal of visual design on Tai Shih-he family

指導教授 : 朱嘉樺


摘要 本創作報告是以位於新竹縣湖口村省道旁客家庄的「戴拾和」家族為對象,進行有系統的視覺識別設計與規劃,創作內容包含:基本系統、行政事務應用系統及環境指示應用系統,透過統一整體的視覺形象規劃,塑造時代改變、傳統主軸不變的「戴拾和」家族視覺印象。 從創作中了解自己家族原鄉宗族源流與來台墾拓遷移發展的脈絡,將家族文化與精神內涵透過視覺符碼的轉換,以象徵形式體現出識別與形象,並利用新架構的視覺識別設計,喚起新舊世代宗親家族成員的重視,讓家族成員能深入了解「生於斯、長於斯、祭於斯」的家族文化意涵,增加宗親的認同感,並闡揚客家文化、推廣珍貴的客家文化資產。 由於近年來政府大力推行多元化的族群政策,提升客家文化的創新價值,協助客家保存傳統文化,建設客家庄特有的文化風貌,以上皆需要透過有系統的視覺識別設計與規劃,才能建立出各地區客家庄不同的視覺識別且獨特的文化意涵,達到傳承文化歷史的使命。同時藉由本創作報告亦可提供國內各姓氏家族宗親及相關組織,對各姓氏家族的文化建構視覺傳承基礎資料盡一份心力。 關鍵字:戴拾和家族、視覺識別、客家文化


Abstract The purpose of the creative project maps out a systematic design of visual identification in Tai Shih-he family located in Hu-kou of Hsin-Tzu. The creation includes basic system, administration application system and environmental instruction system. The concert visual design presents Tai shih-he family visual image with traditional constant trunk stream in different ages. To interpret the creation patriarchal clan and understand general development of farming in Taiwan, the creation transforms the family culture and consciousness intention to visual sign code, and presents in signified identification and image. New structure of visual identification design arouses the respect from new and old generations toward patriarchal clan. Family affiliates are able to go deep into the family culture-“Born in this county, grow up here, and die here” as well as increase the identification of clan, propagate the Hakka Culture, and promote the precious Hakka Culture property. All related knowledge of surname family and patriarchal clan is available in the proposal. Recently, government tries best to carry out the diversification population policy, and promotes creative value of Hakka culture, assisting Hakka to preserve traditional culture and to construct Hakka individual culture. All above mentioned requires visual identification systems and plans to present unique and specific Hakka visual culture around, to reach the mission of culture as well as historic inheritance. Besides, all related knowledge of surname family and patriarchal clan is available in the proposal. It’s a great honor to contribute in the construction of awareness of inheritance in all clan culture with visual identification. Key word: Tai Shih-he family、Visual identity、Hakka Culture




