  • 學位論文


The correlation between social capital and partnership in the social welfare service

指導教授 : 詹宜璋


夥伴關係是地方治理的重要模式,且被視為實務運作上的萬靈丹。然而,當夥伴關係被認為是件好事時,卻往往被視為是一種「信念」甚於「事實」。社會資本不僅是一種強化組織認同或團體凝聚力的「膠」,同時亦是組織與外界建立關係與互動的「潤滑劑」,更是有助於獲取外部資源的「媒介」。夥伴關係作為社會福利服務實務的重要策略,其運作需要有形資源的投入,亦需要無形的社會資本作為組織間互動的基礎與後盾,兩者之間的關係值得予以重視。本研究期待以網絡治理觀點為基礎,探討社會資本與夥伴關係的關聯性,主要研究目的包括:(1)瞭解社會福利組織中有關組織及個人社會資本的情形;(2)探究社會福利組織間夥伴關係運作之現況;(3)分析社會福利組織之社會資本與夥伴關係的關聯性,並建立兩者之間的關係模式;(4)依據研究結果檢視社會資本與夥伴關係的運作對網絡治理的意涵,進而提出促進社會資本與夥伴關係之相關策略。 本研究採取量化研究,在檢閱有關治理、社會資本與夥伴關係相關文獻後,研究者自行設計結構式問卷,以台灣中部地區之社會福利組織為研究對象,採面訪方式進行普查,共計回收有效問卷323份。本研究主要發現與討論如下: 1.社會資本兼具私有財與公共財的特性,不僅讓構成社會資本之各要素間可以彼此強化,個人及組織的社會資本亦具有互補及互惠作用,顯見社會資本的累積並非零合遊戲,而是兼具加乘作用與正向循環的雙重效果。 2.多數受訪者高度同意夥伴關係的理念,也期待夥伴關係的運作能夠為組織及相關服務帶來良好的效果,然而,在實務運作中卻往往出現「知易行難」的落差。 3.社會資本與夥伴關係兩者之間存在著高度的關聯性,且兩者之間存在著良性循環作用,其中以「網絡」對夥伴關係結果面的影響性最為顯著;組織若能以社會資本為基礎,善用其影響力,將有助於組織夥伴關係的建構與維繫。 在對研究結果進行討論與分析後,本研究建立在網絡治理及社會資本的基礎上,從政策、實務與學術等三個面向分別提出相關建議,以供後續建立夥伴關係之相關政策、實務及學術研究上的參考。


Partnership is one of important models of local governance, and has been seen as a ‘panacea’ of practical operation. However, when partnership has been seen as a good thing, it has also often been thought as a ‘faith’ rather than ‘fact’. Social capital is not only beneficial to consolidate organizational identification and group cohesion, but also to play as a ‘glue’ or ‘grease’ of creating and maintaining relationship and interaction within and between organizations, and to act as a ‘catalyst’ of fighting for resources outward. As an important strategy of social welfare service practice, the operation of partnership needs input of tangible resources, and support of intangible social capital as a basis. The relationship between social capital and partnership is worthy of paying attention. Accordingly, based on the perspective of ‘network governance’, this research is intended to discover the correlation of social capital and partnership, and further aims to achieving the following goals: 1. To understand the general pictures of organizational and individual social capital of social welfare service organizations. 2. To analyze the status quo of inter-organizational partnership in social welfare service field. 3. To analyze the correlation of social capital and partnership in social welfare service filed, and to create the relational model of both facts. 4. To reflect the operational model of social capital and partnership, and its implications for network governance, and further to provide suggestions of related strategies enhancing social capital and partnership. To achieve the mentioned goals, quantitative method is adopted in this research. After reviewing literatures related to governance, social capital and partnership, a set of structured questionnaire was designed by researcher, and representatives of social welfare organizations registered in central Taiwan were surveyed and interviewed. A total of 323 questionnaires were completed and analyzed. The main findings are shown and discussed as followed. 1. The characteristics of social capital containing private and public goods is not only enhancing various elements of social capital, but also possessing the traits of complementary and reciprocal. Obviously, the accumulation of social capital is not a zero-sum game, but with a double effect of added-multiplication and positive circulation. 2. Most of the interviewers agreed with the idea of partnership, and expected to bringing better results for organizations and their services. However, there are significant gaps between idea and reality in practical operation. 3. There are highly and positively significant correlation between social capital and partnership, in particular the influence of ‘network’ variable on the partnership. Accordingly, based on the social capital, if organizations could take advantage of the asset, their partnership with others could be constructed and developed better. Based on the previous findings and discussion, and the perspectives of network governance and social capital, this research is concluded by providing suggestions for further creating and developing partnership from policy, practice and academic aspects.


山岡義典(編)(2005)。《NPO 基礎講座》。東京:ぎょうせい。


