  • 學位論文


The Career Development Process of Aboriginal Adolescent

指導教授 : 詹宜璋


為了振興原住民族的發展及擺脫貧窮的弱勢傳遞,健全原住民職涯發展,乃是當務之急。在職涯發展歷程中,青少年位於承先啟後的職涯發展探索階段,具有研究的價值與重要性。然而,有關原住民族就業問題之研究,大都以整個原住民族為研究主體,對於15至24歲之原住民青少年的就業議題並未多加探討;本研究試圖從職涯發展歷程的理論與內涵出發,探究原住民青少年的職涯抉擇與工作適應經驗。 本論文在研究設計上採取質化研究方法,以立意與滾雪球抽樣的方式對十五位受訪者進行半結構式的深度訪談,透過「在學時期」與「就業初期至今」兩大階段分別探討。其中「在學時期」又歸納出「家庭環境因素」、「學校適應經驗」與「社會網絡」三個面向;而「就業初期至今」則歸納出「職涯抉擇」、「就業現況」、「工作適應經驗」、「未來職涯規劃」四個面向;企圖由以上訪談面向,將所得資料呈現出原住民青少年動態的就業歷程,也藉此整理出原住民青少年四種職涯發展類型如下: (一)突破困境、自助助人---藉公費教育及國家人力訓用制度培力發展;(二)留鄉發展、安於現狀---順應傳統文化與區域特性;(三)提升學歷、投資自己---適應主流社會的就業模式與競爭環境;(四)都市生活邊緣人、努力求生存---在兩地間找尋階段發展的最適條件。 經由研究發現所提出之研究建議,包括: (一)對政策的建議: 1.原住民升學優待辦法之檢討,2.開發多元的訓用合一制度方案;(二)對學校建議: 1.提供多元的實習機會,2.在地的農業學校應發揮積極輔導學生提升農業專業知識;(三)對文化產業發展的建議: 1.文化產業發揚與傳承,2.結合農業與自然資源發展觀光與文化產業為核心;(四)對勞動政策的建議:1.培養原住民青少年人力資本條件,2.原住民就業政策宜兼顧原鄉與都會區域就業措施之輔導。


Economic prosperity of aboriginal people was closely associated with their cultural and ethnic development. To end the poverty from one generation to another, it was urgent to help them acquire sturdy career development. Adolescence was the period to explore and choose career directions so it certainly deserved in-depth research. However, many studies focused on the entire group of aboriginal people, and there were very few studies on the employment of aboriginal adolescent from 15 to 24 years of age. This study attempted to investigate aboriginal young adults’ career decision, adaptation to work, and work experience. Qualitative research method was employed in this study. A total of 15 subjects were selected by purposive sampling and snowball sampling, followed by in-depth interview on two periods, “learning period” and “from the first job to current employment”. The “learning period” section consisted of three aspects, “family environment”, “school adaptation” and “social network”. The second section, “from the first job to current employment” was divided into four perspectives including “career decision”, “present work situation”, “adaptation to work” and “future career planning”. It was attempted to present a thorough picture about aboriginal young adults’ job seeking process from the previously described interviews. Based on the interview results, aboriginal young adults’ career development was categorized into the following four types: 1. Overcoming difficulties by self effort and seeking helps – government funded education and national human resources training; 2. Staying in hometown and happy with present situation – live according to traditional culture and regional characteristics; 3. Getting higher education and investing in self career – well adapted to the mainstream job seeking method and competitive environment, 4. Struggling between cities and rural areas – looking for the most suitable opportunities for career development. Based on research results, suggestions were brought up regarding 1. Policy: (1) review of preferential education policy for aboriginal people; (2) development of comprehensive programs covering both theoretical and practical aspects; 2. School education: (1) providing diverse internship opportunities; (2) local agricultural schools should strive to help students acquire solid agricultural knowledge; 3. Development of cultural industry: (1) elaboration and education of cultural industry; (2) combining agricultural and natural resources for developing tourism and cultural industry; 4. Labor policy: (1) bringing up aboriginal young adults’ capability in job seeking; (2) both aboriginal tribes and cities shall be taken into account while drawing up employment assistance policy for aboriginal people.


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