  • 學位論文


Effects of Tai-Chi on Health Related Physical Fitness and Balanceof Senior High School Students

指導教授 : 林正常


太極拳訓練對高中男生健康體適能與平衡能力之影響 2006年6月 研 究 生:蔡麗華 指導教授:林正常 摘 要 本研究主要在探討八週太極拳訓練課程對於高中男生健康體適能與平衡能力之影響。受試對象以台北縣立三民高中60名男生分為兩組,訓練組於體育課時間接受太極拳訓練,對照組則接受一般體育課程訓練。所有受試者均需事前接受健康體適能與平衡能力:BMI、坐姿體前彎、立定跳遠、仰臥起坐、1600公尺跑步、動態平衡及靜態平衡等七個檢測項目,並於八週不同運動訓練課程介入後,再接受事後檢測。研究所得資料以混合設計二因子變異數分析,顯著差異設定為α=.05。研究結果發現:一、比較訓練組經八週太極拳訓練後健康體適能與平衡能力之差異,在七個檢測項目中除BMI未達顯著差異外,其他檢測項目:坐姿體前彎、立定跳遠、仰臥起坐、1600公尺跑步、動態平衡及靜態平衡,均達顯著效果(P<.05)。二、比較訓練後兩組健康體適能與平衡能力健康之差異,在所有檢測項目中除BMI未達顯著差異外,其他六個檢測項目均達顯著差異(P<.05),訓練組明顯優於對照組。結論:太極拳訓練對高中男生健康體適能與平衡能力之提昇,有顯著效果,其中柔軟度、下肢爆發力、心肺適能及平衡能力的提昇又優於學校安排之一般體育課程組。 關鍵詞:太極拳、健康體適能、平衡能力


Effects of Tai-Chi on Health Related Physical Fitness and Balanceof Senior High School Students June 2006 Student: Li-Hua Tsai Advisor: Jung-Charng Lin The purpose of this study was to investigate eight weeks Tai Chi Class of senior high school students on health related physical fitness and balance. Subjects were 60 male students of San-Min Senior High School in Taipei County. Tai Chi group (TCG) and Control group (CG) received Tai Chi practice and regular PE activity respectively. BMI, Sit and Reach, Stand Long Jumping, Sit Up, 1600 m run, dynamic balance and static balance tests were evaluated before and after eight week period. Significant level was set at .05. The results indicated that eight weeks of Tai Chi practice significantly improved all the investigated variables except of Body Mass Index (BMI). After eight weeks of training, TCG was significantly better than CG except for BMI. The study concluded that Tai Chi Class significantly improves health related physical fitness and balance ability. Besides, TCG was found to be more effective for improving health related physical fitness and balance than regular physical activity class. Key words: Tai Chi Chan, health related physical fitness, balance ability


行政院衛生署資訊網 (民93)。台灣地區主要死亡原因。網址:
胡名霞、林慧芬 (民83):成年人站立平衡之研究-感覺整合與年齡效應之分析。中華民國物理治療雜誌,19卷1期,頁66-77。
