  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林明杰


論文提要及內容: 在現今高速變動的產業環境中,新產品開發的成功與否與公司的業績達成及利潤目標有直接的關係,且比率正逐年升高。因此不斷持續地推出新產品,並能滿足顧客之需求,已成為評估企業成長與成功的重要指標。但是影響新產品成功的因素不勝凡舉,其中以部門間的整合成功與否,對新產品發展績效的影響是最為重大且直接。又隨著知識機經濟時代來臨,一家公司知識管理能力的好壞也漸漸地影響了新產品發展績效的成敗,所以本研究為探討研發與行銷間整合與知識管理能力對新產品發展績效影響。 本研究將跨部門整合區分為跨部門互動與合作兩個構面,首先透過文獻探討釐清互動與合作的意義,並以研發與行銷部門為研究對象,採用實證研究的方式了解互動與合作對於新產品發展績效之影響。進而再搭配不同的知識管理能力,探討不同的整合程度運用不同的知識管理能力是否對新產品發展績效會有影響。本研究主要以t檢定、單因子、雙因子變異數分析驗證各變數之間的關係。 研究結果發現: 一、跨部門間的合作和互動確實會對新產品發展績效有影響。新產品發展績效從高到低依序為『高整合』、『合作型』、『互動型』、最差為『低整合』的廠商 二、『高整合』和『合作型』的廠商比『互動型』和『低整合』的廠商擁有較高的知識管理能力。 三、『互動型』的廠商,若是注重知識應用和保護能力,新產品發展績效的表現會比注重知識取得和轉換能力的廠商來的好。『合作型』的廠商則不明顯。


Abstract In fast-moving industrial environment, there is a direct relationship between the success of new product development performance and the revenue goal of companies. However, this relationship is increasing. According to Takeachi & Nonaka (1986), new product development has a very high contribution to corporate revenue. Therefore, the success of new product development or not has played a very critical influence on corporate which want to succeed. Reviewing former papers regarding new product development, there are lots of researches which discuss several crucial factors that influence the success of new product development. The first one is the integration of R&D and marketing, and the second one is knowledge management. Therefore, my paper is to research the integration of R&D and marketing fits knowledge management ability that influence on new product development performance. My research separates interdepartmental integration into interdepartmental interaction and interdepartmental collaboration. Knowledge management ability separated into four abilities which are gaining, translating, applying, and protecting ability. Moreover, I use questionnaire and statistic method to test my research. My research result as follow: 1. My research find out that the rank of new product performance are 「high integration」, 「collaboration」,「interaction」,and 「low integration」. Therefore, data analysis shows that my hypothesis one 「when interdepartmental interaction and collaboration of R&D and marketing departments are both high, new product development performance is better than the other three situations」gets supportive. 2. Companies of「high integration」have better performance on knowledge management four abilities than the companies of「interaction」and「low integration」. 3. Companies of「interaction」focus on the abilities of applying and protecting, NPD performance would be better than the companies of「interaction」 focus on the abilities of gaining and translating. However, .companies of「collaboration」do not show the same result.




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