  • 學位論文


Constructing Performance Measurement Indicators for R&D Based Organization by Analytic Network Process

指導教授 : 吳徐哲


隨著市場競爭日漸激烈、顧客需求多變、產品生命週期日漸縮短之情況下,新產品開發已是企業間競爭的焦點。創新與研發之競爭策略需投注大量的資源在創新與研發能力上,業界源源不斷的創新技術及成果皆有賴於企業對於研發工作之投入,因此企業是否具備研發型組織之特質勢必成為強化企業競爭優勢的主要關鍵。然而研發的投資往往需要投入較多的企業資源與時間,而且研發的成果具風險與不確定性,也致使研發績效衡量不易。為了確保研發投資能有具體的效益,需要有一套有效衡量研發績效的機制,而這也是目前學術界與實務界最為關心的議題。 本研究在文獻端以內容分析法進行文獻的蒐集與探討,找出研發型組織績效評估中應考量的指標構面,結果分析出37項研發績效評估指標並用以建構本研究之研發績效評估指標。接著透過ANP專家問卷的發放,確定本研究所探討之評估指標是否適合,並藉由專家的填答與ANP軟體運算,獲得評估指標間的重要強度與相依性關係,最終建構出績效評估指標的權重排序。 在實證研究端透過個案訪談的方式,了解實務界目前研發型組織是如何實施績效評估以及因應方式,並進一步的探討本研究之通用研發績效評估指標在實務界使用的可靠性。期許藉由本研究之成果,協助企業或組織能更有效的進行研發績效評估作業,令研發型組織在評估績效時有充足依據,善盡企業或組織在績效的管理職責並達成永續經營之理念。本研究所產出之研發型組織績效評估標並無限制產業別之使用,建議未來究可針對特定產業做更深入之探討,必要時將次準則再分類或依產業別而加以變化,協助研發型組織評估績效時能參考有效之評量依據。


With the market competition, new product development becomes the important key factor for firm to gain the revenue and market share. To launch new product, firm invest considerably in R & D development. Therefore, firm value measuring performance of R & D development as the main resource for competitive advantage. The performance of R & D is the main resource for competitive advantage. However, due to the uncertainty on R & D development, it is hard to measure its performance precisely. Hence, it is necessary to develop a measurement system for measure the performance of R & D development precisely. In literature review, we use content analysis to collect and investigate literature to find dimensions should be considered, and then we obtain 37 key factors on measuring the performance of R&D development are suitable to design expert questionnaire for this study. We check the appropriateness of the indicators by expert questionnaire, and then we get the correlation and significance and correlation between indictors by using ANP software. The result for this study is the sort on weighted performance evaluation indicators. To understand how firm value key factors on measuring the performance of R&D development, we use case interview in empirical study. We check the appropriateness of the indicators by the result of case interview. The purpose of this study is to help firm to find the appropriate indicators to improve the performance measurement on R & D development. The result of this research, the performance measurement indicators of R&D department has no limits on specified firm. As a result, we suggest future researcher of this research field could focus on specified industry, change sub-criterias if it’s necessary.


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