  • 學位論文


Transformation Learning of Elderly Female Volunteers for Service

指導教授 : 蔡秀美


摘 要 本研究主要是探討高齡女性志工服務之轉化學習。根據本研究目的有三項:壹、瞭解高齡女性參與志願服務的動機;貳、探討高齡女性在志願服務轉化學習過程;參、探索高齡女性經由觀點轉化學習後,能持續性實踐志工服務之促進因素。 為達到上述研究目的,研究者以弘道老人福利基金會大林站為研究場域,透過前導性訪談找到符合本研究需求的三位高齡女性志工為研究對象,進行質性研究半結構訪談之方式,並經由個案分析來瞭解高齡女性志工服務之轉化學習歷程,再對研究結果進行探討,最後提出結論並對未來研究提出建議。 根據研究結果的探討,歸納出結論如下: 一、 高齡女性參與志願服務動機以個人的興趣與需求、有時間有空閒回饋社會、家人的陪伴支持鼓勵為主要因素。 二、 高齡女性轉化學習歷程惟一相同的是特定事件或情況發生,與高齡女性遭受困境、挫折事件有關。 三、 高齡女性遇到挫折反思、改變自己想法並採取具體行動。 四、 高齡女性轉化學習後志工服務持續性促進因素,主要有高齡女性對志工服務的興趣,志工角色認同,志工活動之合作,高齡女性本身的經驗分享。另外,志工團體及家人、朋友的支持與鼓勵,也是助長志工服務的持續性促進因素。 本研究根據研究結論,提出對高齡女性志工、志願服務單位及未 來研究的建議: 壹、對高齡女性志工的建議 一、把握學習機會,達到自我的成長可豐富高齡女性的學習生活。 二、善用高齡女士生命智慧,成為志願服務的生力軍 三、高齡女性志工,抱持學習的心期許自己成為年輕人的典範 貳、對志工服務機構的建議 一、志工團體提供高齡女性,增強行動力量與轉化學習。 二、志工服務機構,應協助高齡女性志工在服務的過程所面對的 挫折。 三、提供高齡女性參與志願服務的多元管道訊息 四、把握互動學習機會凝聚志工成員的共識 參、對未來研究建議 一、研究高齡志工團體在志願服務學習中促進轉化學習的方式與 課程 二、在研究對象上,以不同性別高齡者,研究其志願服務的轉化 學習。 關鍵字:高齡女性、志願服務、轉化學習


Abstract The research focuses on the transformative learning of elderly female volunteers for service. The purposes of the paper are as follows. 1. To understand the motivation of elderly women who join voluntary service. 2. To focus on the transformation process of elderly women while involving in the voluntary service. 3. To explore the factors that drive elderly women keep involving in voluntary service from transformative learning approach. In order to achieve the purposes mentioned above, the author has a pilot interview to choose three elderly female volunteers that fit the object of the study at HONDAO Senior Citizen’s Welfare Foundation, Dalin branch. Then, the author investigates the motivation that drives these elderly female women serve as volunteers, and their transformation process from individual case study approach. Next, the research aims to discuss the outcome of the study, and last the paper will present the conclusion, and to provide suggestions regarding the further research. Based on the discussion in this research, the conclusions are as follows: 1. Elderly women to volunteer motivation to personal interests and needs, there is free time contribute to the community, accompanied by family support to encourage the main factor. 2. Elderly women transformation learning process is the same or a particular event occurs, refers to the plight of elderly women suffer setbacks related to events. 3. Elderly women Reflection setback, change their minds and take concrete action. 4. After the conversion of elderly women learning volunteer service continuity contributing factor, mainly elderly women interested in volunteer service, volunteer role identity, cooperation and volunteer activities, elderly women share their own experiences. In addition, volunteer groups and family and friends support and encouragement, but also contribute to continuing contributing factor to volunteer services. According to research findings, here are proposed suggestions for older women volunteers, volunteer service organizations, and for future research. Suggestions for older women volunteers: 1. To achieve self-growth that enriches elderly life, it is recommended to seize any opportunity to learn. 2. To take advantage of wisdom benefits the elderly women to become new forces of volunteers. 3. It is recommended for elderly women to become the learning hubs, and learning models for the youth. Suggestions for volunteer service organizations: 1. Elderly women can through volunteer organizations, to enhance the power of action and transforming learning. 2. Volunteer service organizations should assist elderly women volunteers during the service facing setbacks. 3. Multiple messages pipeline provide older women to participate in volunteer service. 4. Grasp the opportunity to forge a volunteer member of the interactive learning consensus. Suggestions for future research 1. Elderly female volunteers can reinforce their ability to take actions and elderly volunteer group promoting the conversion of learning styles and learning courses in volunteer service 2. In the study of elderly persons with different gender, research into learning their voluntary service Key word: elderly women, voluntary service, transformation learning


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