  • 學位論文


Taxonomy on the Winged Disseminules of Plants in Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊勝任


臺灣具翅狀物植物分類研究尚缺乏詳盡的統整,本研究目的即統計臺灣具翅散殖體植物數目、描述及拍照其外部形態特徵,並製作檢索表供分類參考。統計結果得知臺灣具翅果實共39科73屬159種,固有種共42種。依果實增大花被、增大萼、增大苞及果皮等特徵分為翅果、分離翅果、聚合翅果、假翅果、翅狀胞果、葉狀蓇葖果、具翅莢果、具翅蒴果、具翅瘦果與似具翅蒴果等10大類。具翅種子植物共計31科71屬111種,固有種共8種。依種子翅狀物歸納有單生翅與環生翅2大類。總計臺灣具翅散殖體植物共65科142屬260種,約佔臺灣維管束植物的6 % 左右,其中十字花科、薯蕷科、玄參科、茄科與梧桐科同時擁有具翅果實及具翅種子。在具翅散殖體拍照的256種中,依翅狀物外觀形態及其數目可分為立體翅73種與平面翅183種。立體翅中具翅果實以3枚翅居多,具翅種子僅有蘆薈及辣木為立體翅。平面翅中具翅果實與種子皆以環生翅居多。具翅果實中的菊科植物及具翅種子中的蘿藦科植物與夾竹桃科的大錦蘭具環生翅且頂端具冠毛或種髮。本研究中將肯氏南洋杉的散殖體特稱為似具翅種子。


The classification of the winged-like appendage plants was still lacked for detailed integration in Taiwan, the aim of this paper is to calculate the numbers of winged disseminules, to describe and photograph the morphological characteristics and textures of wings and to make keys of winged fruits and winged seeds for classification in Taiwan. The results showed that there were 39 families, 73 genera and 159 species of winged fruits, including 42 endemic species. According to accrescent bract, accrescent calyx, accrescent perianth and pericarp, the winged fruits could be divided into 10 groups, including samara, samarium, samaretum, pseudosamara, diclesium, follicarium, winged legume, winged capsule, winged achene and pseudowinged capsule. Besides, it also showed that there were 31 families, 71 genera and 111 species of winged seeds, including 8 endemic species. Monopterous wing and pteripterous wing were the 2 major groups among the winged seeds. There are 65 families, 142 genera and 260 species of the winged disseminules, accounting for about 6 % of vascular plants in Taiwan. Among them, Brassicaceae, Dioscoreaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Solanaceae and Sterculiaceae contain both the winged fruits and seeds. According to the shape and the winged number, 256 species of winged-like appendage that recorded as photographs can be divided into 73 kinds of gyroscopic wing and 183 kinds of two dimensions wings. In gyroscopic wing, the three wings of winged fruit are mostly and only Aloe vera var. chinensis and Moringa oleifera in winged seeds belong to gyroscopic wing. Among two dimensions wings, most winged fruits and winged seeds were pteripterous. Asteraceae in winged fruits, Asclepiadaceae in winged seeds, and Anodendron benthamianum in Apocynaceae have pteripterous with apex pappus or comose. This study also suggested that Araucaria cunninghamii might be called pseudo-winged seed.


楊勝任、陳心怡 (2004) 臺灣具翅散殖體植物分類研究。中華林學季刊 37(1): 1-28。
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