  • 學位論文


Water permeable crystalline coating to enhance strength of concrete curriculum

指導教授 : 卓重光 博士


摘要 本研究使用田口氏實驗法,系統化規劃各項參數來進行模擬分析,針對滲透結晶防水材塗佈混凝土具有防水、與治癒混凝土孔洞之能力,借撞擊圓形筒柱試體模擬實際工程中施工不當形成的缺陷,再塗佈滲透結晶防水材後,經養護與靜置再觀察其抗壓強度之變化;以探討滲透結晶防水材在混凝土提高抗壓強度與修復混凝土缺陷能力: 經抗壓試驗後最適化因子表顯示 (一) 試體塗刷水性滲透結晶材料,強度較未塗刷之比對組抗壓強度高7%強度;較撞擊2次未塗刷之比對組提高19%強度。推論滲透結晶材料可持續發生填滿試體內小孔洞的作用,結晶材料可深入試體,進而修復試體內孔洞與施工不當裂縫,提高試體的抗壓強度。 (二) 拆模後第一天即開始養護效果最佳。滲透結晶材料塗刷次數以1為次最佳。養護日數以2日最低日數最佳。撞擊試體2次數後,塗刷滲透結晶材料確實可增強抗壓強度值。養護日數以2日最低日數最佳。推估滲透結晶材料由水能引導進入結構體,養護日數不需很長時間,但養護的起始日要越早實行會越好,效力越高。 關鍵字:水性滲透結晶材料、抗壓強度、治癒混凝土孔洞


ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study aimed at investigating the effects of waterproof and eliminating the holes of concrete after using the water-based crystalline material. The Taguchi Method was adopted to reduce the number of experimental group and plan parameters to carry out the simulation and analysis. The cylinder grouting was used as the analysis model. Being painted with the water-based crystalline material, maintained and placed after the impact test, the change of compression strength was observed to investigate the compression strength of concrete and the effects of eliminating the holes of concrete. After the compression test, the table of optimization factors reveals the conclusions as follows: 1.After the compression tests, the strength of the concrete using the water- based crystalline material was 7% enhanced and 19% higher than the strength of the concrete which was accepted impact test twice but without using the water-based crystalline material. The water-based crystalline material was able to fill the holes of the model constantly and then fix the small holes and cracks, which enhanced the strength of compression. 2.The best effect was shown if the maintenance started on the first day of removing the shoring. The best effect was shown as being painted with the crystalline material once. After being impacted twice, the crystalline material did enhance the compressive strength. The best maintenance length was two days. It is inferred that the crystalline material can be led into the model by water. The water-based crystalline material was able to fill the holes of the model constantly and then fix the small holes and cracks, which enhanced the strength of compression. There will be a better effect if the maintenance is carried out earlier. Keywords: Water-based Crystalline Material, Compression strength, eliminating the holes of concrete


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