  • 學位論文


Simulating Pedestrian Crowds in Smoky Emergency Situations

指導教授 : 陳俊銘


在現今的電影特效中,常出現人群擁擠的動畫場景,看起來自然逼真。在避 難安全方面,人群流動擁擠的模擬更是被廣泛研究。本研究中,系統模擬人群的 反應行為,人群處在危難環境的情況下,可以用系統模擬出來。在建築師建構消 防系統時,如何裝設安全設備,如何規劃逃生通道,成為日益重要的議題,本研 究模擬的動機亦希望能對此有所助益。 本系統加強以往的physics-based架構,並能提供系統模擬,行人在煙霧瀰漫(例 如:毒氣或是火災的煙霧)的房間中,表現出擁擠的行為與現象。本系統是架構在一 般公共場所的實驗,模擬實際狀況下,指示燈對視線不良的場所造成的影響。


身體作用力 斥力 行人 社會力


Crowd animation is often appearance in recent movie scenes. It can be realistic. Simulating behaviors and motion of people in emergency situations for safety systems has been widely studied recently. In this simulation, we simulate the crowd of pedestrians. Behaviors of people in emergency can be simulated by the system. When an architect designs the safety systems, how to set the safety equipment and, how to design the path of escaping from panic is an important problem. This system is based on a well known physics-based animation model which allows to consider influence of gaseous phenomena such as smoke in the behavior of the crowd. We simulate a normal public place, with the safety be set at the exits and paths. We can observe the effect of the smoke to the guiding lights received by pedestrians in this simulation.


bodyforce repulsive force pedestrian social force


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