  • 期刊


Morphological and Physiological Characterization of Dematophora necatrix Isolates from Camellia sinensis


於南投4處高山茶園出現立枯型病徵之茶樹根腐檢體中,分離出9株白紋羽菌株,其特徵為菌絲隔膜處呈梨形膨大,並可於罹病組織處產生分生孢梗束(synnemata)等構造。進行茶苗人工接種試驗結果顯示,所有菌株之致病性皆相當高,可使接種茶苗產生與田間罹病株相同之病徵,從死亡病株中可再度分離出白紋羽菌,而完成柯霍氏法則。選取4株致病力最高之白紋羽菌株進行生理試驗,結果顯示供試菌株其最適生長溫度範圍為25℃,35℃以上則不生長,而於5℃ 1星期後,菌落仍可生長0.1mm;菌絲生長最適酸鹼度約為pH 5;6種不同碳素源中以葡萄糖(glucose)最適合茶白紋羽菌絲直線生長,而木糖(xylose)較不適合。8種氮素源中,以有機氮源較適合菌絲之生長;而硝酸鈣或尿素作為氮源時,其菌絲生長最緩慢。


茶樹 白紋羽菌 形態 病原性 生理性


Nine isolates of Dematophora necatrix Hartig were isolated from white root rot samples of Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze gathered from four tea plantations that suffered from the dieback disease in Nantou. Some aged hypha showed the pear-shape swellings adjacent to the septa. The fungus could also produce synnemata on the diseased tissue. Pathogenicity test indicated that all the isolates of the fungus were highly virulent when inoculated to tea cuttings and could produce similar symptoms as those observed in the tea plantations. The pathogen could be re-isolated from dead inoculated tea cuttings to fulfill Koch's postulates. Four representative isolates with high virulence were selected for physiological tests. The optimum temperature range for radial growth of mycelium was around 25℃. No growth was observed when temperature was over 35℃. While incubated at 5℃ for one week, there were still about 0.1 mm mycelium grow out of the discs. The optimum pH for radial growth of the representative pathogens was about pH 5. Among six different carbon sources, glucose demonstrated to be the best one to enhance the radical growth of the pathogen, while xylose was the most inferior. The effects of organic nitrogen sources for mycelial growth of the pathogen were better than those of inorganic ones. The slowest radial growth of the pathogen were observed when Ca(NO3)2 and urea were used as the nitrogen sources.



