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Fragmentation of Hydrocarbon Molecules in Intense Laser Fields Studied by Coincidence Momentum Imaging: A Review


Fragmentation of polyatomic molecules is a fundamental chemical reaction in intense laser fields when the electric field strength of the laser pulse is comparable to or exceeds the intra-molecular Coulomb binding fields. For hydrocarbon molecules, because of the migration of light hydrogen atom (or proton) that can lead to chemical bond rearrangement of molecules, fragmentation of hydrocarbon molecules may result in new fragment species that could not be realized from the initial geometry of molecules by direct bond breaking, making the full characterization of their dynamical fragmentation processes difficult. In this article, we will review recent progress in the study of fragmentation of hydrocarbon molecules induced by intense laser fields using the coincidence momentum imaging method that can provide definite information on the fragmentation channels of molecules. The effect of hydrogen migration on fragmentation of hydrocarbon molecules is reviewed, based on which new possible schemes for controlling chemical bond breaking/formation by controlling the motion of protons within a hydrocarbon molecule is discussed.




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