  • 期刊


Functional Genomics of Developing Stem Tissues in Taiwania (Taiwania Cryptomerioides Hayata)


臺灣杉(Taiwania cryptomerioides Hayata)為臺灣之原生樹種,屬於新生代第三紀之“活化石”。為分離臺灣杉幼年莖部發育及其生物化學生合成相關之基因,因此製備臺灣杉發育中莖部組織之cDNA基因庫,並從中隨機挑選811個選殖株進行定序及分析。重疊群分析這些表現序列標籤,共定義出322個單一基因。根據BLASTX分析結果得知,11.3%表現序列標籤與細胞防禦、死亡及老化有關,其中包括高度表現之類索馬甜蛋白;3.9%表現序列標籤與蛋白質合成及修飾有關,其中包括高度表現之熱休克蛋白。此外,0.9%表現序列標籤與細胞壁結構及代謝有關,0.7%表現序列標籤與二次代謝有關。然而,有40.9%表現序列標籤並無與基因資料庫中任何蛋白質具相似性。這些序列可能象徵著臺灣杉之獨特性。


Taiwania (Taiwania cryptomerioides Hayata) native to Taiwan, is considered to be a ”living fossil” dated back to the Tertiary period of the Cenozoic era. To isolate genes involved in young stem development and biochemical synthesis from Taiwania, 811 randomly selected clones from a cDNA library derived from developing stem tissues of Taiwania were sequenced and analyzed. Contig analysis of these expressed sequence tags (ESTs) identified a total of 322 unigene sets. Based on the results obtained from BLASTX analysis, 11.3% of these ESTs including the highly expressed thaumatin-like protein were found to be related to the cell rescue, defense, death and aging; 3.9% of the ESTs including the highly expressed heat shock proteins were involved in protein synthesis and processing. Moreover, 0.9% of the ESTs were related to cell wall structure and metabolism while 0.7% were related to secondary metabolism. However, 40.9% of ESTs has showed no significant similarity to any other protein sequences in public databases. These sequences in turn may indicate the uniqueness of Taiwania.


