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Jurisdictional Management, Decentralization and Local Government Crime Prevention Policies: Evidence from Transitional China




Rising crime rate has been a major concern for all levels of governments in transitional China. One of the greatest challenges is how to handle the relations between the central and local governments since crime prevention is managed by the jurisdictional governments. This paper sets out a governmental expenditure preference model and uses provincial time-series cross-sectional data over 1997~2006, to investigate the effects of decentralization on local government crime prevention policies. Results from multilevel models show that local governments were responsive to crime by Strike Hard policy. However, local governments were less likely to implement Strike Hard measures or adopt carrots policy when fiscal decentralization was higher. Moreover, bureaucratic control only made sense to local governments when the political incentives of the central government were both strong and clear. During 1997~2006, bureaucratic integration urged local governments to use Strike Hard policy, but had no substantive impact on carrots policy.


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