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Comparison of the Diabetes Regular Care Model and the "Diabetes Share Care Disease Management" Model in Eastern Taiwan



目的:依據文獻實施糖尿病共同照護疾病管理對病患的照護品質已有正向成果,但多數的研究皆針對病患接受糖尿病共同照護疾病管理與未接受任何糖尿病管理計畫來做比較。本研究為「一般門診收案」與「糖尿病共同照護疾病管理」兩不同模式照護下,醫師盡責度、檢驗結果改善度及SF-36生活品質之探討,期許能提供臨床參考,提升照護品質。材料與方法:自2005年2月至2005年8月,以面對面問卷訪談病患及查詢其檢驗報告的方式收集一般門診模式組的個案175位及糖尿病共同照護疾病管理模式組的個案280位,以SPSS 10.0視窗版軟體進行資料分析。結果:照顧一年後,「糖尿病共同照護疾病管理組」罹患慢性疾病、併發慢性合併症、疾病的控制困難等的比率都較「一般門診照護模式組」低。兩組的檢驗值都有明顯改善,以「糖尿病共同照護疾病管理組」的檢驗值較低也較趨於控制目標,同時其照護盡責度與SF-36生活品質得分也較「一般門診照護模式組」佳。結論:「糖尿病共同照護疾病管理」對病患的照護品質與生活品質都有較正向的成效,值得繼續推行。


Objective: Previously documented studies found that hospitals which practiced ”diabetes share care disease management” program (DSCDM) achieved positive results in the quality of patient care among diabetics. However, most of these studies compared patients who participated in the DSCDM vs those who were not in any diabetic care program. This study particulary focused on comparing care accountability, laboratory results, and the Taiwan SF-36 life quality scores in diabetes patients who were treated in two different models: the regular care model and the DSCDM program. Based on the findings of this study, we hope to provide clinical recommendations and upgrade the quality of diabetes care. Materials and Methods: The data from 175 regular care group subjects and 280 DSCDM group subjects were collected from February 2005 to August 2005 at a medical center in eastern Taiwan via multiple approaches, which included face-to-face interviews, questionnaires, and medical records. Analysis of the data was performed on SPSS10.0 for Windows. Results: After one year, the average rates of chronic diseaes, chronic complications, and difficulties in diabetic control were showed better in the DSCDM group than those of the regular care group. Both groups exhibited noticeable improvement in all clinical examination criteria, and the laboratory data in the DSCDM group were lower and more close to control target, while the care accountability and life quality elevels also showed batter than those of the regular care group. Conclusions: This research demonstrated that practicing DSCDM generated positive results and improved both the care and life quality of patients. Therefore, DSCDM should be promoted and practiced on a broader scale.


