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An Integrated Device for Measuring the Length, Width, and Weight of Agricultural Products


農產品的外形尺寸及重量,是其分級、選別、以及生長狀況的研究所常需要量測的對象。本文說明一個結合運動機構與量測電路的整合量測器,以量測農產品的長、寬、及重量。農產品的長度是以連接於電位計的長度指標的移動來量測,寬度量測是模擬條式分級機的形式,使用一個可以開閉的V型槽,藉由待測物由槽中掉下時槽的間隙來決定,量測器上並有荷重元配合信號放大電路,以量測農產品的重量。此量測器可與電腦或資料收集器連接,亦可以獨立使用,可達成迅速而準確的量測效果並節省人力。長度的量測範圍是60 cm,量測的不準度是±0.69%;寬度變化的量測範圍是40 mm,量測的不準度是±3.02%;重量的量測範圍是3 kg,不準度是±0.037%。


量測 長度 寬度 重量 農產品


Collecting the dimension and weight information of agricultural products is usually an important but time-taking task for the study of growth conditions and grading and/or sorting of the products. An electro-mechanical device is developed to facilitate the measurement of the length, width, and weight of agricultural products. The length is measured by moving a pointer to indicate the end of the specimen while a potentiometer on the pointer gives the position signal. The width measurement is conducted by placing the specimen on a V-shaped slot that can open and close simulating mechanical roller or V-belt graders. A potentiometer on the slot measures the spacing of the slot allowing the specimen to drop. The weight of the specimen is measured by a load cell associated with a signal conditioning circuit. The measuring device may be connected to a computer or a datalogger for fast and accurate measurements and recording of data, or it may by used independently and the signal measured by a voltmeter. The calibrated accuracies are±0.69% for length measurements within 60cm, ±3.02% for width variations within 40mm, and±0.037% for weight measurements within 3kg. Flexible and easy to use, the device may save considerable time and labor on mass measurements while reducing errors caused by the manual input of data.


Measurement Length Width Weight Agricultural products
