  • 期刊


Raster Mapping of Topographic Parameters Derived from High Resolution Digital Elevation Models


高解析度數值高程模型(Digital Elevation Model, DEM)可以利用三維立體或二維地形圖的方式展示。以立體模型展示DEM 雖然能直觀的反映地形起伏,卻難以與其他二維圖資進行疊圖等分析。本研究嘗試從高解析度DEM 推導出幾種常見的地形參數並以二維網格的形式來展圖。地形參數圖能展示不同的地形特徵,亦方便結合其他二維圖資進行各種分析。不同地形參數圖的特色會透過視覺調查作分析,參數的調整與地形圖的配色方式都會影響地形特徵的展示。此研究預期會對高解析度DEM 的應用帶來幫助,未來也期望能發展出自動化的展圖程序,提升製圖的品質與效率。


Meter-level resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) have become widely available since airborne LiDAR systems are popular. Although displaying high-resolution DEMs with stereo viewing screen allows us to realistically experience the topographic changes, it is difficult to overlay or inter-analyze with other thematic maps. This study devotes to the theory of deriving topographic parameters from high-resolution DEMs and the visualization of the parameters as raster maps, such as hillshade, slope, aspect, openness and multi-directional hillshade and so on. These parameters enable users to observe topographic features with two-dimensional maps. The characteristics and advantages of each topographic parameter will be analyzed through a visual investigation of the maps. The tint scheme and color continuity of adjacent frames will be discussed as well. The combination of two topographic parameters into a map will also be assessed to display topographic information, which meets the requirements of some particular applications. This study is expected to be useful for a variety of applications of high-resolution DEMs.
