  • 期刊


Early Family Economic Disadvantages and Developmental Outcomes in Emerging Adulthood: A Latent Profile Analysis




Purpose: This study examined children who grew up in poor families in order to identity key predictors that might differentiate them into subgroups. On the basis of a literature review, we hypothesized 5 subgroups would be identified: low risk group, high risk and high depression group, high risk and high substance use group, high risk and high depression and substance use group, and resilient group. Methods: We applied latent profile analysis to examine emotional and substance use outcomes in four waves of data from the Taiwan Database of Children and Youth in Poverty (n = 850, 43.5% males, average age at the first wave was 14.88) and identified subgroups in the sample. Results: We identified 4 groups. The results supported our hypothesis, except that no resilient group was found in the sample. In multinomial regression models, the perception of family economic support, the frequency of delinquent peer affiliation, and being bullied were the key predictors that distinguished the subgroups. Conclusions: The stressful experiences of economically disadvantaged families and the relationship of these experiences to children's emotional and substance use behaviors is heterogeneous. Children who grew up in economic disadvantages showed different developmental outcomes. There different profiles linked to the above mentioned key factors. On the basis of the study results, policy makers and practitioners should understand the heterogeneity in the relationship between family economic disadvantages and children's developments. Different services should be provided for different groups of children. Furthermore, to reduce the influence of deviant peer and bullied experiences, practitioners should provide services that strengthen personal capability and encourage the cooperation among family, school, and community. A systematic support in economic resources for these families helps to reduce their depressive emotion and substance use.


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