  • 期刊


Constructing a Leadership Model for Junior and Senior High School Students


本研究目的在建構中學生領導才能內涵。首先,透過相關文獻的整理、分析與歸納,將中學生領導才能內涵分為「領導特質」、「人際能力」與「概念能力」三大部份,並據以編製「中學生領導才能內涵之調查問卷」。其次,邀請25位學者專家、教師及具領導經驗的學生組成德懷術研究小組,透過三次問卷往返,建構出中學生領導才能之內涵。最後,研究者以分層叢集取樣方式抽取台灣地區北、中、南、東四區國中學生617人,高中(職)學生698人為樣本,以結構方程模式進行「中學生領導才能內涵理論模式」的適配度考驗。 德懷術研究結果顯示中學生領導才能內涵在「領導特質」面向有「負責」、「熱忱」、「情緒管理」、「自信」、「以身作則」、「親和力」、「堅毅」、「品格」八個重要特質。「人際能力」向度則包含「溝通技巧」、「促進合作」、「衝突處理」、「尊重」、「同理心」五種能力。「概念能力」向度也包含「組織能力」、「決策能力」、「應變力」、「分析力」及「計畫能力」五種重要能力。驗證性因素分析結果顯示「中學生領導才能內涵理論模式」和觀察資料的適配度大致良好。根據研究結果,研究者對學生領導才能發展及未來研究提出相關建議。


中學生 領導才能 德懷術


The purpose of this study was to construct a leadership model for junior and senior high school students. The researchers used the Delphi technique to collect data. The committee of Delphi technique was comprised of 7 higher-education scholars, 7 educators, and 11 students with leadership experience. The researchers conducted a review of the literature, analyzed the results of previous research on the issue of leadership, and developed a preliminary outline of a leadership framework. The Delphi questionnaire based on the outline included 3 categories and 39 ”competence in leadership” items. After 3 rounds of administering the questionnaires, a leadership framework employing 3 categories and 18 items was developed. This theoretical ”leadership” model was tested via structural equation modeling. The subjects, selected through stratified and cluster sampling, were 617 junior high school students and 698 senior high school students in Taiwan. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that our theoretical leadership model for junior and senior high school students fit the observed data. Suggestions for promoting students' leadership development and for future research were also provided.


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