  • 學位論文


The Study on the Instructional Model of Life Value in Junior High School

指導教授 : 張永達


我國政治、教育、經濟等各項改革仍處於進行中的不穩定狀態,且九二一地震後,土石流等天災不斷,使得目前青少年處於經濟衰退、失業率升高等困境,無法適當規劃其個人未來之願景,且當困境來臨時,無法勇於面對之比率升高,因此學生急需重建屬於自己的生命價值觀,使其勇於面對其生命;人類企圖完全征服自然,對環境產生惡性的破壞,使得物種大量遭受毀滅的命運,因此也需要重新建立與生物共存共容的生命價值觀以扭轉這個危機。 本研究選取國一學生共156人為研究對象,調查其對生命之價值觀、態度及信念;開發生命價值量表;以前測調查學生應改變或加強之生命價值觀、態度與信念;設計可以改變其生命價值觀之融入式教學活動;教學後,以後測評鑑活動實施之成效。研究目的在於開發一個融入式的生命價值教學模式,以培養學生對生命持有正向、積極的態度,並刺激學生審慎思考,以重建適合個人及人類的生命價值觀。 本研究結果所提出融入式生命價值教學模式及生命價值量表等工具有實用性,可供教師實施生命價值教育的參考。至於教學活動的實施,會影響學生對生命之價值、態度與信念,教學活動之目標越明確且與生命價值量表之施測項目越接近,對學生生命之價值、態度與信念的影響也會明確。 以實際教學的情況來看,額外增加融入式教學活動,在時間上受到很大的限制,相對的會影響實施的成效,所以未來在九年一貫的空白課程中加入這類活動,應可以克服其教學內容及時間被壓縮的問題,此外,班級的學習氣氛影響學習成效,因此必須花時間培養學生勇於發言及參與討論的能力,以提高實施生命價值教學活動之成效。除此之外,學校教育、家庭教育、社會教育如果都能提供正面的宣導,應有助於學生建立正向的生命價值、態度及信念。 關鍵字:生命價值、教學模式


生命價值 教學模式


Due to governmental innovations are approaching and unstable, and the continuous disaster caused by earthquake and water flood, Taiwan’s teenagers are currently facing the predicament of economy degradation and raising unemployment rate therefore more numbers of teenagers fail to plan personal perspective properly and fail to face the predicament bravely. In order to adjust this situation, the rebuilding of concept on life value is demanded for the teenage students in Taiwan. Besides, the natural species have been seriously destroying since the devastated environment caused by human’s improper attempt on conquering natural. Therefore, the mutualism concept for human and other natural species is also needed for the teenage students for reversing the crisis. In this research, 156 students in first grade of junior high school are chosen as target for the investigation and rebuild on value concept, attitude, and belief of life. A questionnaire of life value is developed as the evaluation tool. After the pre-measurement by using the life value questionnaire, concept needs correction or enhancement for life value of the students can be investigated. Following results of the investigation of life value questionnaire, teaching activities for concept correction and enhancement for the life value or the students are designed and merged into the regular lesson. Finally, post-investigation by using the life value questionnaire is preceded to evaluate the result of the activities. The purpose of this research is to develop a teaching model of life value that can be merged into the regular lesson. With the developed teaching model, the students can be trained to have positive and active attitude for life. Also, the students can be triggered to reflect in rebuilding their life value. The teaching model and tools of the life value questionnaire in this research are practical and provide valuable reference for the schoolteachers in proceeding life value education. The designed teaching activities concern students’ value concept, attitude, and belief of life. More explicit the goal of teaching activities is, and more close the teaching activities to the items of life value questionnaire is, will result in more significant concernment by perform the teaching activities. According to the teaching experience, the merging teaching activities with the regular lesson are quite restricted in time and affect the expected performance. This problem may be solved by arranging the teaching activities into the blank lesson planned in the future integrated 9-year education system. The positive instruction provided by school education, family education, and society education shall be helpful to the students in building their correct value, attitude, and belief of life.. Key words : life value、teaching model


life value teaching model


釋傳法(2001)(13版)校園流浪犬 自由時報 90.12.17


