  • 期刊


Explaining Public Attitudes toward the Judicial System: The Case of Taiwan


本文以「2011年台灣人民紛爭解決行為暨法意識實證調查研究」所蒐集之資訊為基礎,以「法官判決公正性」為指標,考察台灣人民對法院的公共信任支持程度,並分析影響公共支持的因素。整體而言,台灣人民對法院的信任支持程度偏低:對「法官判決公正性」持正面評價的比例,僅佔全體半數,較對「警察執法公正」持正面信任支持的比例為低;而對「法院整體服務滿意程度」持正面評價者,比例更僅有約四成。尤其,「有法庭經驗者」較「無法庭經驗者」,對於法院的信任支持程度更低。這和現有的「熟悉衍生信任」(Familiarity Breeds Respect)理論相反,並顯示經驗內容才是重點。另外,雖然民眾在「貧富階級」、「權威感距離」與「法官認知與社會脫節」三個對法院觀感的面向上,以對「法官認知與社會脫節」負面觀感最弱,但此面向對於公眾對法院的信任支持所造成的負面衝擊程度,卻相對最強。最後,民眾的「法意識變項」對其就法院信任支持所造成的影響,明顯高於「人口統計變項」的結果。對於法治價值抱持較為擁護態度者,以及愈支持「無罪推定原則」所蘊含價值選擇者,對法院有著更為正面積極的信任支持。此一研究結果,印證了對法院 的公共支持程度,的確受到民眾本身經社會化過程所累積形成的信念所影響。


Using data from the "2011 Taiwan Civil Justice Survey," this paper investigates Taiwan citizens’ attitude toward and trust in the judicial system, together with the factors that influence their attitude and trust. In general, citizens have relatively little trust in the courts. Specifically, only about half of the subjects interviewed believe that the court rulings are fair. This is lower than their trust in the police's work. Only 41.5% of the subjects are satisfied with the overall performance of the courts. Even more serious is the finding that the subjects who had court experience have even lower trust than those who had not, a result contracting the theory which extor "Familiarity Breeds Respect." Our statistical analysis indicates that, although fewer subjects believe that "the judge’s thinking is out of pace with society" than either "judgments are influenced by litigants’ social positions" or "courts are authoritarian," it has the strongest negative impact on the subjects’ support for and trust in the courts. The impact of legal consciousness on the support for and trust in the courts is significantly stronger than the demographic characteristics, as well as those who strongly believe in the presumption of innocence. All in all, people's trust in and support for the courts are indeed influenced by their value judgments and experience.


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自由時報,2015,〈司法信任危機 逾 7 成民眾認為法官偏袒富人〉,http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/society/paper/923832,查閱時間:2017/03/30。Liberty Times. 2015. “Sifa xinren weiji yu 7 cheng minzhong renwei faguan piantan furen” [Crisis in Judicial Trust: Over 70 Percent of People Believe that the Judges are Biased toward the Rich]. (Accessed on March 30, 2017)


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