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Analyses of Measurement Equivalence Across Gender in the Shorten Version of the Spence and Robbins' Workaholism Battery (WorkBAT-15)


為提升工作狂研究的發展,本研究針對Spence 與Robbins(1992)提出的三因子模式,檢驗其「工作狂量表」短版(WorkBAT-15)是否具有跨性別之測量恆等性(measurement equivalence/invariance,ME/I)。遵循Vandenberg與Lance(2000)所建議的檢驗程序,本研究以臺灣的519位全職員工為樣本,進行一系列多群組驗證性因素分析(multi-group confirmatory analysis, MGCFAs),依序檢驗不同性別之間是否具有因素構造恆等性、因素量尺恆等性、因素純量恆等性、測量誤差恆等性、因素變異數-共變數矩陣恆等性,以及因素平均數恆等性。依據上述指標分析之研究結果顯示,Spence與Robbins的「工作狂量表」短版在不同性別間具有高度恆等性,可進行性別間潛在變數平均數、構念變異與共變數,以及未標準化之路徑係數的比較。


To improve the research development of workaholism, the present study examined whether measures of the shorten version of Workaholism Battery (WorkBAT-15) in Spence and Robbins (1992) three factors model research are equivalent across gender. According the analysis process suggested by Vandenberg and Lance (2000), we conducted a series of multi-group confirmatory factor analyses (MGCFAs) to investigate the crossgender measurement equivalence/invariance (ME/I). Data collected from 519 full-time employees is used in the present study. Configural invariance, metric invariance, scalar invariance, uniqueness invariance, factor variance-covariance invariance and factor mean invariance were established, suggesting that WorkBAT-15 is applicable to crossgender comparisons in latent means, construct variance, construct covariance, and unstandardized path coefficients with the caution.


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