  • 期刊

Active Aging: A Systematic Literature Review of 2000-2014 SSCI Journal Articles

「活力老化」:2000-2014 SSCI期刊文獻之檢閱


世界衛生組織於2002年提出「活力老化」的公共政策總綱給各國政府針對人口老化的機會與挑戰研擬相關政策。本研究即為針對「活力老化」的概念所做的文獻探討,以在2000-2014年SSCI發表過的期刊文章為研究對象,進行系統研究及「後設分析」,整理出累積研究資產中的特色與未來建議的研究方向。樣本數為205篇,利用Web of Science的統計工具分析文章分布,並用「後設分析」發掘最常被研究的主題、變數、及成效評量(Outcome measurement)。結果:1.目前研究多集中在歐洲地區;2.最多文獻的老人學子領域分別為社會、環境及教育;3.研究概念關鍵字最常出現的為終身學習、雇用、及性別;4.活力老化的變數最常被研究的是性別及體能活動;5.最常用來評量成效的工具為生活品質(Quality of Life, QOL)。本研究建議未來研究的方向:1.開發中國家的「活力老化」研究,特別是長期世代研究,應成為國際政府的優先議程;2.全球加速都市化讓已經科學證實環境與「活力老化」相關的研究更形重要;3.全球人口老化問題的複雜性已讓跨領域的「活力老化」研究成為必須,例如:如何應用快速發展的新科技促進「活力老化」。希望透過本研究的建議,能促成更多國家、非營利組織、及私部門夥伴跨部門、跨領域的合作,共同關注全球老化議題,並協力推展活力老化。


The World Health Organization propagated its Active Aging Policy Framework to guide international efforts in addressing global aging challenges. This systematic literature review and meta-analysis aim to evaluate to what extent "active aging" has been explored in journal articles in gerontology and how we researchers could further push the envelope going forward on this concept. We scanned all journal articles from Web of Science (WOS) in SSCI in the 21st century (a 15 year-span from 2000 to 2014) on active aging (N=205) by using WOS statistics and CLAN, a transcript analysis tool, to conduct meta- analysis. Results show: 1. Current research assets are not evenly distributed and are mostly concentrated in Europe. 2. The subject areas under gerontology that have been probed the most are social, environmental and educational. 3. The most recurring research themes are lifelong learning, employment and gender. 4. The most researched determinants on AA are gender and physical activities. 5. The most used outcome measurement of AA is Quality of Life (QOL). Our suggestions for future research directions: 1. AA research in developing countries should become top priority for international governments, especially longitudinal cohort studies, due to the population aging acceleration in those regions. 2. Global urbanization reinforces the need for further exploration of the scientifically proven correlates between physical environments and AA. 3. Inter-disciplinary researches on AA have become mandatory due to the complex nature of global aging challenges, such as how to apply rapid technological advancement to help AA. We hope that through our efforts, we can further build consensus and drive actions among international governments, NGOs, private sectors and constituents to address global aging issues; these require cohesive and concerted efforts in promoting active aging through cross-sectorial & inter-disciplinary efforts.


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Adamson, L.,Parker, G.(2006).There's more to life than just walking: Older women's ways of staying healthy and happy.Journal of Aging and Physical Activity.14(4),380-391.
Aihara, Y.,Minai, J.,Kikuchi, Y.,Aoyama, A.,Shimanouchi, S.(2009).Cognition of social capital in older japanese men and women.Journal of Aging and Health.21(8),1083-1097.
Barnett, K.,Buys, L.,Lovie-Kitchin, J.,Boulton-Lewis, G.,Smith, D.,Heffernan, M.(2007).Older women's fears of violence: The need for interventions that enable active ageing.Journal of Women & Aging.19(3-4),179-193.
Boulton-Lewis, G. M.,Buys, L.,Lovie-Kitchin, J.(2006).Learning and active aging.Educational Gerontology.32(4),271-282.
