

Effectively integrating the Internet into a traditional classroom that does not have individual access to a computer is a challenge to many teachers. However, according to a recent Nielsen Company report (2007), teenagers and people in their twenties in Taiwan, only lag behind South Korea in a global survey of the frequency of internet usage. Obviously, young people love using the Internet, but how can this resource be effectively used in a primarily face-to-face English language learning environment. This study focused on the use of the Internet and in particular the website, Youtube, in an EFL classroom taking a constructivist approach to language learning. The students in this research were learning English through the study of rock and roll music. The study investigated whether the students in such a course valued the use of the Internet and small group collaborative discussion in a blended learning, constructivist setting in the classroom. The study further investigated what the students perceived as the best way to organize and integrate internet search activities and group discussion in the classroom. Most of the students reported that they liked using the Internet in the classroom, and that interacting with a website such as Youtube and with their classmates was very useful in helping them develop their English language ability, and in gaining general music knowledge. A majority of the students preferred to search on the Internet first and then discuss ideas afterwards for a group project culminating in a multimedia presentation of a particular feature in rock music. Combining internet searches on Youtube and other related websites with group collaboration was considered a good use of class time that significantly helped the students organize their multimedia presentations in English.


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Huang, S. H. (2016). 生態女性主義與肉食世界中的文學抵制 [doctoral dissertation, Tamkang University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2016.00822
