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Trichofolliculoma of Nasal Vestibule-Case Report


毛髮毛囊瘤是一種源生於毛囊之缺陷瘤,是一種相當罕見、良性的皮膚附件腫瘤,較常出現在毛囊較多的身體部位,例如顏面、頭皮或頸部,但是,少見於鼻前庭。一38歲男性,因為左側鼻腔結節5年多,求診於本院。理學檢查發現位於左側鼻前庭下方、靠近鼻孔處有一顆大小約1 x 1 x 1 mm之乳白色、無痛、堅實之圓形凸起。手術切除後之組織病理報告為毛髮毛囊瘤,鑒於罕見,特提出報告與討論。


毛囊 缺陷瘤 鼻腫瘤


Trichofolliculoma, a hamartoma from hair follicle, is a quite rare and benign skin adenxal tumor. It appears more likely in areas with more hair follicles, for example, face, scalp or neck, but rarely in nasal vestibule. A 38-year-old male presented left nasal nodule for over 5 years. At our hospital, a 1 × 1 × 1 mm white, painless, firm, and round protrusion was noted in his left nasal vestibule near the nostril. The post-operative pathology reported trichofolliculoma. Because of rare curiosity, we reported the case.


hair follicle hamartoma nasal tumor


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