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Happiness and Ethnicity in Taiwan, 1999-2012: Social Stratification, Sense of We-group, and Social Justice




Ethnicity has long been one of the most sensitive sociopolitical issues in Taiwan. This study examines ethnic differences in happiness as a psycho-social outcome of the intensely ethnic discourse in Taiwanese politics since the 1980s. It also tests the hypotheses of class stratification, group solidarity, and perceived social justice by pooling the 1999-2012 Social Image Surveys. There are three major findings: (1) The overall level of happiness has declined, moving from being happy to being unhappy. (2) There were significant differences in happiness between Minnan and Aborigine and between Minnan and Mainlander, but not between Minnan and Hakka. Ethnicity differences have narrowed since 2006 and persistent after the second change in the ruling party. (3) Education, family income, sense of we-group, and sense of fairness accounted for the differentials between Minnan and aboriginals in happiness. In contrast, such factors did not account for the gap between Minnan and Mainlanders.


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