  • 期刊


Effect of 4 Weeks Passive Repetitive Isokinetic Training on Knee Extensor Isokinetic Strength in Elite Female Athletes


前言:被動反覆等速肌力訓練(passive repetitive isokinetic training,簡稱PRI訓練)能使訓練者下肢肌群以被動方式做高頻率反覆性的等速收縮,並有效增強肌肉神經系統及運動表現,因此本研究目的於探討優秀女子選手接受PRI訓練對膝伸肌等長肌力、等速向心肌力與等速離心肌力之影響。方法:8位優秀女子排球選手(平均年齡19.43 ± 1.27歲,身高167.86 ± 3.98公分,體重58.43 ± 9.57公斤)在全國比賽後接受為期四週、每週三次的PRI訓練(2Hz-2.5Hz),7位優秀女子手球選手(平均年齡20.71 ± 1.25歲,身高166.14 ± 3.76公分,體重60.71 ± 8.81公斤),接受4週、每週三次的傳統半蹲式訓練,兩組於四週訓練前後以Biodex System III等速儀進行下肢膝關節角度60度之膝伸肌等長肌力測試,及角速度60、120、180度/秒之膝伸肌等速向心、離心肌力測試。結果:四週訓練後,發現PRI訓練能顯著增加優秀女子選手膝伸肌之等長肌力12.24%(p < .05)、120度/秒等速向心肌力10%(p < .05)及60度/秒等速離心肌力27.61%(p < .05)之最大力矩值,且訓練效果明顯高於半蹲組(p < .05)。結論與建議:四週PRI訓練能有效提升優秀女子選手膝伸肌等長肌力、快速肌肉收縮時的向心肌力、及慢速肌肉收縮時的離心肌力表現;未來建議具有速度及爆發力性質的運動項目,如排球可結合PRI訓練,讓訓練動作能符合實際運動中的動作表現,以增進肌力與爆發力表現。


PRI訓練 等速肌力 排球


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 4 weeks Passive Repetitive Isokinetic (PRI) training on knee extensor isokinetic strength in elite female athletes. Methods: Eight elite female volleyball players (mean age 19.43 ± 1.27 years, stature 167.86 ± 3.98 cm, and body mass 58.43 ± 9.57 kg) and seven elite female handball players (mean age 20.71 ± 1.25 years, stature 166.14 ± 3.76 cm, and body mass 60.71 ± 8.81 kg) were assigned to PRI training and traditional resistance training for 4 weeks of training at 3 time per week. Before and after training, the torque of knee extensor at 0, 60, 120, and 180°/s were measured by using Biodex System III dynamometer. Results: after 4 weeks training, the PRI training could significant improvement in isometric torque about 12.24%, in 120°/s concentric torque about 10%, in 60°/s eccentric torque about 27.61%. Moreover, the increase percentage of PRI training was higher than traditional resistance training does. Conclusions: 4 weeks PRI training increased knee extensor of elite female athletes in isometric strength, in high contraction velocity of concentric strength, in eccentric strength. The findings suggested that PRI training is an effective method for increasing muscle strength and power. The PRI training appropriated some sport events that related to speed or power, such as volleyball, due to the characteristic of its training movement is similar with real sports.


PRI training isokinetic strength volleyball

