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Exploring Hotel Consumer's Experience of RFID Technology


目前國內飯店住宿業者開始投入RFID應用技術的開發,希望能藉由RFID技術提昇服務品質,並影響消費者旅遊消費決策及旅遊消費行為(Eden & Gretzel, 2012)。墾丁悠活麗緻渡假村於2007年與資策會合作,利用RFID技術整合服務流程,將RFID晶片嵌入手環中,將手環與房卡做結合,利用手環及可在飯店作一切的消費活動,大大減少飯店的人力資源,以創新的服務方式,為旅客帶來新奇的旅遊體驗,更讓飯店業者透過RFID科技提升顧客服務品質及滿意度。本研究探討RFID科技服務創新對消費者知覺價值、滿意度與行為意圖之影響,以問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,針對悠活麗緻渡假村之住宿消費者作為研究對象,調查時間2014年12月至2015年1月,本研究進行便利抽樣調查共發放300份問卷,回收270份有效問卷。本研究希望能針對目前學術研究在RFID科技應用於飯店住宿產業之文獻之不足下,探討創新的服務方式與消費者之間的關係,探討飯台使用RFID服務創新對消費者知覺價值、滿意度與行為意圖是否有關係,期望透過本研究的計畫執行,進一步瞭飯店消費者對於服務創新、知覺價值、滿意度與行為意圖關係之研究有更多的認識,爾後將研究結果提供企業應用及學術發展的建議,從理論的應用及建立過程當中導入飯店資訊科技應用之經營管理實務。


With the development of information technology, hotel lodging industry are utilizing technological innovations for operations management and marketing communication. The use of information technology in hospitality business has become the mainstream of service industry. With the use of information technology, hotel business can improve the operation effectiveness and reduce the human errors. Recently, hotel industry managers begin to invest on exploring RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology for reduction costs and enhancing revenues and guest experiences that will affect tourist consumption behavior. In Taiwan, Yoho Landis Beach Resort in Kenting collaborated with Institute for Information Industry to develop the RFID technology in integrating with service processes. The hotel business provides consumer a bracelet with an embedded RFID chip. The guests can use the bracelet as key cards to gain access to their rooms and to make purchase hotel’s service and products without carrying their wallets. By using the innovated RFID chip bracelet, the hotel business managers can greatly reduce the labor cost, enhance tourist experience and improve customer services quality that will lead o better customer satisfaction. This study investigated the acceptances of RFID technology in hospitality industries by examining the relationship among service innovations, perceived value, satisfaction and behavioral intentions. This study employed the questionnaire to collecting information form Yoho Landis Resort consumers from 2014 December to January 2015. The data collection of this study was conducted on both weekdays and weekend via convenience sampling. In total, this study distributed 300 questionnaires to hotel customer and collected 270 valid questionnaires for further data analysis. After the questionnaires have been coded, the multiple regression analysis was conduct via the SPSS statistical software to test the hypotheses of the present study. The results founded that service innovation has significant impacts on perceived value, satisfaction and behavioral intentions. The results also showed that the effects of perception value on satisfaction on behavioral intentions are significant. The finding of this study provide a staring point for a broaden research on the RFID technology acceptance in the existing literature and for more deeply understanding the RFID applications in hotel industries management.


