  • 期刊


To explore the experience of a mother’s adherence to antiepileptic drugs after her child’s initial diagnosis with epilepsy




母親 嬰兒 癲癇 抗癲癇藥物 遵從度


Adherence to antiepileptic drugs is important for patients to control the epilepsy. However, nurses can only enhance such adherence after they understand experiences of families of epileptic children who are treated with anti-epileptic drugs. This case report was to explore how the mother’s experience influenced her adherence to antiepileptic drugs when her five-month-old baby had been diagnosed with epilepsy. This case report was applied a method of process recording to write down the process of interaction and conversation with the mother when caring for the epileptic baby and the mother, which consisted of 10 process recordings in total. Content analysis was used to extract the important part of the mother’s experience. The findings indicated the influencing factors on the mothers adherence to antiepileptic drugs were, disapproval of the diagnosis, mistrusting the quality of medical care, fear of side effects of antiepileptic drugs, and anticipating self-healing of the sick baby. Health professionals should explore and understand parents’ experiences when their children are diagnosed with epilepsy. Such understanding can help health professionals to assist parents in overcoming their negative feelings. Also health professionals should regard parents as partners to build up cooperation and collaboration in order to improve parents’ adherence to medical care.


Epilepsy antiepileptic drugs adherence


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