  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Care for People with disabilities of Their Sexuality Education and Sexual Health




身心障礙者 教育 性健康


This article took a quick review of last 30 years of those major studies that related to sexuality education and issues for people with disabilities in Taiwan. Found that persons with mental retardation are the most relevant research of all. Law on the protection of the physical and mental disabilities has a variety of categories. Relatively it seems that both in the volume or categories of the studies are not enough. The researcher will use Griffiths seven sex-myths as a discussion framework, trying to answer this phenomenon, and pointed out the importance of positive attitude, and comprehensive sexuality education for people with physical and mental disabilities. Researcher will also give some preventive measures and teaching suggestions .The last part will explain that how sexuality can we bring to understand the mysteries of human existence and a life of happiness and joy.
