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Wandering at the Crossroad Between Language Maintenance and Language Shift-A Survey on Language Attitudes Toward Taigi Among 3^(rd)-9^(th) Graders in Taiwan




Language attitudes are closely associated with language maintenance or shift. This research examines 3^(rd)-9^(th) graders' attitudes toward Taigi from qualitative and quantitative approaches. In total 2,973 valid questionnaires were retrieved from 40 schools in Taiwan. The results demonstrate that respondents seem not to highly support the intrinsic and instrumental values of Taigi and that the motivation of using and learning Taigi reduces in tandem with language shift. Meanwhile, students are unmotivated in raising the language status or demanding institutional support. Whether Taigi will be maintained or not is at a crossroad. If nothing has been done to boost their attitudes, the language might be led to language shift. Results also show that the more proficient the students' Taigi is, the more positive attitude they hold for the use of the language. In addition to improving students' language competence, it is suggested that developing positive language attitudes be the focus in Taigi revitalization.


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