  • 期刊


When Hormones encountered Chinese medicine: the Chinese visceral organ therapy




荷爾蒙 食物 營養 食療 臟器療法


Research on "hormones" rose in early 20^(th) century. With the progress of medicine and physiology, they soon became the star of medicines around the world in the 1920s. For the most part, past researchers overlooked the fact that hormone knowledge and medicine afford an excellent case study of the dialogue that took place between Chinese and western medicine in the communication history of modern China. According to the present study, apart from the verifications that it gained from the medical theory at the time, new extraction techniques and advertisements also accounted for the popularity of hormone medicines. More importantly, hormone research or the manufacture of hormone medicines emphasized the effect of "rejuvenation," appealing to the highest expectations that ordinary people have towards their health and vigor. In addition, since hormone medicines were mostly extracted from food and internal organs in traditional Chinese medicine, thereby linking them with related Chinese medical discourse on the human body such as "augmenting the renal essence" and "augmenting the spirit" these medicines were considered to be a panacea to all illnesses. This study not only analyzes this process of the spread of hormone medicines, but also takes note of the responses of the Chinese medical world to the new theories and medicines. In referring to the traditional Chinese medical practice of using internal organs in food therapy, the Chinese medical circles offered a counterpoint to what was at the time translated as hormonal "visceral organ therapy" of the West. Through the discussion of the new technology of hormone medicines, the medicine derived from ancient herbal knowledge was put under reexamination, and the legitimacy of the idea of "augmentation" was given new currency by the theory of hormone therapy. Finally, although hormone medications served as the new "augmenting" medicine, there was a fair share of negative comments on their disadvantages and side effects. The use of hormone medicines is the most discussed case in new medicine of modern China, and inspire new understanding of the history of modern medicine as well as the history of exchange between Chinese and western medicine.


Hormone food nutrition dietary therapy visceral organ therapy
