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Auricular Needle Paste Neiguan (PC6) and Zusanli (ST36) for Treatment of Persistent Hiccups in Cancer Patient: A Case Report




A 67-year-old man was diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma, Symptoms of hiccups begin after embolization treatment. There are several emergency visits because of persistent hiccups. After this hospitalization embolism recurrence of Persistent hiccups symptoms, lasts more than one week. Symptoms did not improve significantly after treatment. Therefore, the patient was referred to our Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) department to receive acupuncture treatment. The diagnosis of TCM was hiccups. We choice auricular needle paste Neiguan (PC6) and Zusanli (ST36). The next day, the symptoms of hiccups were relieved and reduced hiccups frequency after discharge. For patients who are inconvenient to take drugs, unable to fix acupuncture for a fixed amount of time, and have a Persistent hiccups, auricular needle paste is a recommended choice.


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