  • 期刊


To Look at the Spread of Buddhism to China-examples of Words Expressing Happiness, Auger, Dolefulness, and Joy


魏晉南北朝是一個變化快速的時代,政治上分分合合、知識份子好言清談、文學風氣的轉向等等,都代表著當時的社會正在不停地變動當中。促成這種變化的因素很多,其中,佛教的傳入與盛行是不容忽視的力量。中華文化兼容並蓄,佛教的東傳引起中華文化重大的變革,無論是思想、風俗,還是語言、文學、建築、藝術,雕塑,音樂等等,均受到佛教文化的影響。這些變革是文化史上重要的議題,本文選擇從語言面向觀察佛教與中華文化的交流。人類是表情豐富的動物,關於喜怒哀樂的詞彙不枚勝舉,筆者將取三組心理狀態詞,分成欣喜類、發怒類、哀愍類,構組成三個語義場(Semantic Fields),探討佛教傳入與傳入後,語義內部變化的情況。


The period of Wei, Jul and Nanbei Dynasty changed very fast. The countries separate and combine politically; the intellectuals liked to talk about an idle talk; the atmosphere of literature changed. They all represented that the society then was varying continuously There scare many factors promoting this transition. Among the factors, the power of Buddhism's spread and popularity can't be ignored. Chinese culture contains all different concepts. The Buddhism's spread toward die east raised great reformation in Chinese culture Thought, customs, language, literature, architectures, sculpture, music, etc., were all influenced by Buddhistic culture. Those reformations were important issues in the history of culture. This paper chouses to, investigate the interaction between Buddhistic culture and Chinese culture from the aspect of language. Human being is an animal with rich emotions. Words used to express happiness, anger, dolefulness and job are too numerous to enumerate. The author will take three sets of emotional words, joyful category, anger category and doleful category, constructing three semantic fields. The internal change in the semantic fields before and alter die spread of Buddhism will be discussed.


semantic field Buddhism China Buddhistic language
