  • 期刊


A Bibliometric Analysis of Global Research Production and Economic in Caries during 1991-2010


齲齒為目前世界衛生組織防治重點疾病,孩童12歲更換完整恆牙後之齲齒指數全球努力希望降至2以下。欲瞭解全球口齲齒預防趨勢,必須探討國家科學文章的產率與其齲齒指數。本研究以全球經濟發展分類將國家分為七大工業國、金磚四國與亞洲四小龍,探討其齲齒相關主題文獻品質與齲齒指數之相關。本研究藉由Web of Science資料庫以「caries」與「dental」作為關鍵字,搜尋1991-2010年所有SCI(Science Citation Index)原著論文共7836篇,其中七大工業國、金磚四國與亞洲四小龍發表原著論文佔7成(5515篇)。利用文章總數、被引用總數、平均引用數、與H-index評估文章品質。各國齲齒指數資料以世界衛生組織2004年發表之12歲孩童齲齒指數作為連結資料。結果顯示,美國為全球發表齲齒原著論文品質先驅。在七大工業國H-index愈高其國家齲齒指數愈低。但在亞洲四小龍的呈現趨勢卻是相反。綜合發表齲齒指數原著論文品質與齲齒指數相關性結果隱喻如下:在經濟發展佳國家研究成果產出較佳,其齲齒防治效果也較佳,反觀經濟發展中國家,由於研究與防治起步較晚,目前研究與防治呈現並行狀態。未來相關文獻品質分析可提供齲齒防治成效評估。


World Health Organization uses the DMFT index for permanent teeth as a marker for caries burden of disease. The DMFT index should be less than 2 among 12-year-olds by the year 2000. The aim of this article is to bring out the bibliographic review of all available literatures addressing the dental caries. According to the economic development of countries, the G7, Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) and Taiwan, Singapore, H.K and S. Korea (new industry economies, NIE) were investigated for the impact of economic development on national academic productivity and the DMFT index. This article conducted a search from the Science Citation Index Expanded, Web of Science and covers a bibliometric analysis of dental caries from 1991 to 2010 covering 5515 original article publications. The search was under the keywords ”caries” and ”dental”. The G7 industrial countries held the majority of total world production and the United States led the field in quantity and quality of publications. An inverse trend was observed for h-index and DMFT in G7, but the correlation between research production and DMFT was showed a positive relationship in NIE. With the synthetic analysis of DMFT and research productions that imply the successful prevention of caries is based on the economic development and research production. This bibliometric method helps relevant researchers understand the research production of caries in the world and establish the direction of further research in the prevention program of caries.


caries economic development bibliography
