  • 期刊


Carbon Stocks Changes in Reforested Farmland of Betel Nut Palm: A Case Study of Honduras Mahogany


全球氣候變遷已被世界公認為一嚴峻的挑戰,森林能吸收主要導致溫室效應的二氧化碳,減緩全球暖化,因此台灣山區檳榔園廢耕後造林除可增加二氧化碳的吸存量外,亦能增加水土保持等效益。本研究首先調查南投縣中寮地區檳榔園,建立檳榔單株立木之材積轉換式、基礎密度與生物量擴展係數等基礎資料,以計算檳榔園碳量之基線,並以檳榔園轉作之大葉桃花心木(Swietenia macrophylla)造林地為例,與持續經營之檳榔園進行碳吸存量之比較,再透過材積迴歸轉換模式模擬至20年生時之碳吸存量。結果顯示,平均8年生之大葉桃花心木造林地之林地總碳量為97.1 ton C ha^(-1),顯著高於檳榔園之72.3 ton C ha^(-1),且其中林木碳量大葉桃花心木為69.6 ton C ha^(-1),亦顯著高於檳榔之42.0 ton C ha^(-1),而大葉桃花心木造林地至20年生時,扣除檳榔園碳量基線後之淨林地碳匯為141.15 ton C ha^(-1)。因此,將檳榔園廢園轉作造林將不僅能增加山坡地水土保持功能,更是台灣地區相當有潛力的碳吸存方法之一。


檳榔 大葉桃花心木 造林 碳匯 碳吸存


Climate change has become a great challenge of the world. Forest could sequestrate CO2 which induced global warming. Reforestation in the betel nut palm farmlands is not only increased the sequestration of CO2 moreover maintained water and soil conservation. In this study, we calculated the carbon sequestration baseline of betel nut palm by established the (i)allometric model of tree volume (ii)Basic Density and (iii)biomass expansion Factor at first. Then calculate and compare the carbon stock of the betel nut farmland reforested by Honduras mahogany (Swietenia macropnylla). Furthermore, we simulate the carbon stock of 20 years plantation reforestation in Honduras mahogany. The ecosystem carbon stock of 8 years reforestation in Honduras mahogany plantation is 97.1 ton C ha^(-1) and the tree carbon stock is 69.6 ton C ha^(-1). Both are significant greater than betel nut palm farmlands which ecosystem carbon stock is 72.3 ton C ha^(-1) and tree carbon stock is 42.0 ton C ha^(-1). And the net ecosystem carbon stock of 20 years reforestation in Honduras mahogany plantation is 141.15 ton C ha^(-1). Therefore, reforestation in betel nut palm farmlands could not only increase the function of water and soil conservation but also could be one of the proper lands for carbon sink.


