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Clinical Evaluation of Garcinia cambogia and Phaseolus vulgaris Extract for Obese Adults in Taiwan



過重與肥胖是許多國家嚴重的公衛問題。本研究使用藤黃果萃取物(Garcinia cambogia extract)與白腎豆萃取物(Phaseolus vulgaris extract)對台灣地區的過重成年人進行八週的臨床評估。本研究共募集到114位過重成年人,以隨機分組之方式將所有受試者分為三組:藤黃果萃取物組(使用Super CitriMax)、白腎豆萃取物組(使用Phase 2)與安慰劑組(使用Maltodextrin),每天分別介入2800mg的藤黃果萃取物、白腎豆萃取物或安慰劑,持續八週,介入期間不限制受試者的飲食,並於第0週起每兩週對受試者進行一次營養教育與身體測量,而血液生化檢驗分別於第0週與第8週時進行。實驗結果顯示,體位測量在第8週與第0週時相比,安慰劑組受試者於腰圍、臀圍、大腿圍都有顯著增加,藤黃果萃取物組受試者有維持腰圍、臀圍、腰臀比的效果,白腎豆萃取物組受試者則亦在臀圍、腰臀比有維持的效果。在血液生化分析的結果可發現藤黃果萃取物組受試者8週後具有降低AST與穩定空腹血糖的效果,白腎豆萃取物組8週後具有提高HDL的效果。


Being overweight and obesity are serious public health problems in numerous countries. This study describes an 8-week clinical evaluation of the effects of Garcinia cambogia and Phaseolus vulgaris extracts on overweight adults in Taiwan. In this study, 114 overweight adults were recruited and randomly divided into three groups: a G. cambogia extract group (which was given Super CitriMax), a P. vulgaris extract group (which was given Phase 2), and a placebo group (which was given maltodextrin). Each participant was administered 2800 mg/day of extract, extract, or a placebo for 8 consecutive weeks; participants' diets were not restricted during the intervention. Participants received nutritional education and anthropometric measurements once every 2 weeks starting from week 0, and hemobiochemical tests of the blood were conducted at weeks 0 and 8. The statistics of anthropometric measurements indicated that compared to week 0, by week 8 the waist, hip, and thigh circumferences of participants in the placebo group had significantly increased; whereas participants in the G. cambogia extract group had maintained their waist and hip circumferences and waist-hip ratios, while participants in the P. vulgaris extract group had also maintained their hip circumferences and waist-hip ratios. Results of the hemobiochemical analysis after 8 weeks showed that aspartate aminotransferase had decreased and fasting blood-glucose had stabilized in participants of the G. cambogia extract group, whereas high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol was elevated in participants in the P. vulgaris extract group.
