  • 期刊

Occurrence, Distribution and Phonology of Seedborne Fungi of Rice (Olyza sativa L.) in Certain Provinces of the Philippines




於1988至1989年的乾﹑濕兩季,自菲律賓Laguna﹐Batangas,Cavite,Camarines Norte,Camannes Sur,Albay和Sorsogon (BicoI地區)等不同地點採集得到144個水稻樣本﹐利用標準漬潤長出法篩選其寄生真菌族群。自有污斑及無污斑的種子分別篩選獲得屬於30屬的39種真菌。其感染的比率因不同種類真菌及不同採集地點而有差異。以乾季而言,除了Pyricularia oryzae, Nakataea sigmoideum與Tilletia barclayna外,常見之真菌種類大體上平均分佈各採集地點。而於濕季期間Drechsleara sp.及Microdochium oryzae的分佈並不平均。T. barclayana則不論乾、濕季節皆呈平均分佈。所有測試種子的感染率以A. padwickii最高﹐其次為Curvularia sp.。


A total of 144 rice samples were collected from (Afferent sites in Laguna, Batangas, Cavite, Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur, Albay, and Sorsogon (Bicol region) of the Philippines during the dry and wet seasons of 1988-89 and screened for their fungal population using standard blotter method. The screening yielded 39 fungal species belonging to 30 genera infesting both blemished (discoloured) and unblemished (healthy) seeds. The percentage of infestation by different species ranged differently at various locations. Among the different locations, the common fungal species were evenly distributed except for Pyricularia oryzae, Nakataea sigmoideum and Tilletia barclayana during the dry season. During the wet season, distribution of Drechslera sp. and Microdochium oryzae were uneven. T. barclayana was evenly distributed irrespective of the season. Infestation of both apparently healthy (unblemished) and discoloured (blemished) seeds was highest with A. padivickii followed by Curvularia sp.


Distribution Philippines Rice Seedborne fungi
