  • 學位論文


The Idea and Practice of Open Government: A Case Study of Taipei City Mayor Wen-je Ko’s Administration

指導教授 : 曾建元


政府治理型態的改變,影響著民主運作及發展,從小政府論者主張人民應擁有最低限度的權力及自由,到福利國家的蓬勃興起,以及發展到後來的國家體制再造,政府與人民的角色及互動,一直是學界與實務討論關注的焦點,而開放政府樣態的萌生及發展,融合政府體制再造及民主精神實踐精神,除了體現人民主權、政治平等、大眾諮商等民主基礎概念,也因應時代的推演,發展出開放資料及政府資訊公開等新興操作模式。 本文為了解開放政府的理念價值,以柯文哲市長執政後之臺北市政府為實例,探究「開放政府 全民參與」的施政理念及政策實踐精神,是否與時近討論的政策理念相近,或有其創新之處,而在資料蒐集整理過程,也提出國外倡導開放政府或開放資料組織運作情形,以及美國、英國、加拿大等國家施作經驗,作為臺北市政策規劃及執行情形的參照及例證。 本研究運用文獻分析法及質化訪談法,蒐集國內外文獻資料以及運作實例,整理分析開放政府的理念價值及發展脈絡,為探究臺北市政策運作情形,實際約訪市府政策規劃及執行人員,以充實研究內涵及分析價值。 經分析文獻蒐集結果,民主的演變及發展,支持及體現開放政府及公民參與的實施價值,而臺北市政策規劃實踐情形,可分為資訊公開透明、公民參與及資料開放公私合作等3項推動措施,與美國倡導之開放政府備忘錄「透明、參與及合作」3項原則、英國政府資料開放措施以及加拿大開放政府行動方案理念相近,經檢討北市府政策規劃執行意涵,可再貼近民眾需求,實踐公民參與價值,並且思考制度精簡之可能性,以提升人民信賴及政府施政效能。


The transformation of governance effects democratic operation and development. From persuading people’s having minimum limits of rights and liberty to the developing of national system, the interaction of government and people have been discussed many times. The Open Government indicates People Sovereignty, Political Equality, Open Discussion, Open Data and Open Information. This study focuses on the goal and mission for Open Government. Based on the case of Wen-je Ko Administration of Taipei City, this paper analyzes Open Government Partnership and Open Knowledge Foundation. Besides, the governing experiences of the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada are taken as examples. This study uses literature analysis and qualitative interviews, researches the practical examples and the development of Open Government, and examines the policy making of Taipei City Government. The results of democratic evolution and the development supports and reflects Open Government and Citizen Participation. Furthermore, the policy planning of Taipei City Government includes Open Information, Open Data, Transparency, Citizen Participation and Public-private Partnerships, which conform to the processing experience of the United States, United Kingdom and Canada. Since the policies are not always accepted by the citizens, this article tries to find out some methods to enhance people’s confidence and promote the administrative efficiency in the government.


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