  • 學位論文


Educating the Next Generation of Makers: A Current Practice Study on Creating Makerspaces in Taiwan

指導教授 : 洪一薰


所謂「創客」(或稱「自造者」),是指懷抱「代工已死,自造當頭」信念的族群,他們堅守創新、動手做,將創意實體化。創客們建立蘋果電腦、Google等美國重點企業,亦將創客運動推向全球,台灣創客文化卻被美國專家形容為處於「失落的氛圍」當中。 本研究目的是:(1)檢視全球創客空間之發展脈絡和商業模式(2)瞭解各國政府針對創客空間發展之布局策略(3)確認台灣創客運動發展之外部環境(4)提出台灣建立友善創客環境之方法與建議(5)讓對「創客」文化感到陌生的台灣人看見一個串接創客運動與工業革命4.0全球趨勢。 本研究係以PEST分析模型,審視兩岸創客運動之政治、經濟、社會以及技術環境,驚覺台灣外部環境面之缺失主要來自政治環境不良。而法國政府注資該國Fablab之經驗可為台灣所用,本研究企圖透過量化分析、比較分析,為政府創建低成本公共創客空間找尋可行性辦法。 研究分析得知,台灣創客壯志難伸原因為,創客缺乏資金面與生產面之支援:(1)企業以傳統KPI績效指標衡量投資標的、拒絕資助創客,犯下投資偏差行為中的「悔恨規避」(regret avoidance)錯誤(2)四成公立創客孵化器收費標準偏高,不甚符合受測者心中之願付價格,顯示公家機構並未全力打造創客友善環境(3)政府的目標育成產業過多、分散銀彈,恐加劇國債比率,又無法收挺創之效 (4)政府偏好依法行政,等待立法過程中,造成政策效果遲延,不如中國透過「給付行政」,展現即時施政效能(5)社會缺乏小量製造服務,服務創客試產。 研究結果發現,台灣創客的利基為:(1)台灣為亞洲第一個施行群眾募資制度的國家,社會群眾募資氣氛濃厚,有助創客籌資(2)創客手握之機器人與3D列印技術精緻度優於對岸(3)追求自造趣味,不一味追求自造創業,興趣驅動下的創客空間更有人情味,產品更有巧思。 研究結論為:(1)政府應設置免費創客空間。而為了壓低建置成本,建議將現有使用率低之公共圖書館,部分空間改為創客空間(2)既有創客空間供應者,可考慮提供住宿服務,以滿足創客期待。


Makers, as hobbyists or professionals, are creative, resourceful and curious and bring a DIY mindset to technology (MAKE, 2015). Pioneering makers came up with Apple and Google in a garage. Recently, Maker Movement swiftly spreads beyond borders. Taiwan makers, however, seem pale beside China. This study aims to examine (1) worldwide makerspaces development and their business models, (2) foreign government policies on makerspace evolution and (3) general environment for maker movement in Taiwan. The study also intends to reveal a global trend, a connection between industry 4.0 and maker movement, to Taiwan’s people and spur our government to create a maker-friendly country. Via PEST analysis, the research scrutinizes political, economic, social and technological environment of Taiwan and China and discovers disadvantages in Taiwan’s political environment. Referring to government-sponsored makerspaces in France, the study assumes that it is practical for Taiwan’s Government to create public/free makerspaces. Quantitative analysis and comparative analysis are conducted to support the argument. The study finds that one of the main difficulties Taiwan’s makers face is that they are poorly financed since (1) enterprises invest only on targets with potential KPI improvement thus refuse to invest on makerspaces or maker products. This is the so-called “regret avoidance”, a common mistake/irrational behavior made by investors, (2) more than 40% of public business incubators entry fees are higher than consumers’ maximum willingness to pay, (3) the government attempts to sponsor too many industries and unintentionally excludes makers from the list, (4) the government prefers the Principle of Legal Reservation to Leistende Verwaltung and accordingly, is inefficient. Aside from poorly-financed, makers lack support from low-volume manufacturers as well. Fortunately, makers in Taiwan have following advantages: (1) Taiwan is the leading country officially setting up crowdfunding mechanism and enables makers to raise money via the system; (2) Robotic and 3D techniques in Taiwan are more sophisticated than in China; (3) Unlike Chinese makers focus mainly on business startup, makers in Taiwan are pure hobbyist delighted with fabrication. Their works, hence mostly, are heart-touching. The findings were summarized as follows: (1) The government should establish free spaces for makers. To lower the construction fee, the research suggests the government to create makerspaces in public libraries. (2) Existing makerspace owners are recommended to provide accommodations in their spaces to meet customers’ expectations.


Allen County Public Library, The Maker Labs of the Allen County Public Library, Allen County Public Library, http://www.acpl.lib.in.us/home/maker-labs, (Accessed 07 July 2015)
Caitlin A. Bagley, Makerspaces: Top Trailblazing Projects, Amer Library Assn, (14 February 2014)


