  • 學位論文


Factors affecting the choice of medical tourism destination by Russian patients and implications for Taiwan

指導教授 : 許怡欣


簡介:在國外旅行的看病越來越受歡迎最近政府,經濟學家,媒體和研究人員。俄羅斯人是那些由醫療旅遊目的地吸引之一。國家,聲稱自己作為醫療旅遊目的地抓住機會,以吸引俄羅斯患者和發展專項規劃。俄羅斯患者被看作是韓國,新加坡,日本等主要目標市場。在有關國家願意吸引國際患者,以及來自俄羅斯東部的患者,包括泰國,馬來西亞,印度等目前是台灣。儘管來自世界各地的研究人員和俄羅斯國內外患者前往治療的數量不斷增加的醫療旅遊地區日益增長的興趣,也沒有以前的很多研究探討影響決策過程的因素 目標:本研究探討了影響俄羅斯和國際醫療遊客的選擇和決定與台灣的感知圖像作為一個潛在的目的地的一個例子的各種因素。 方法:本橫斷面研究中使用的自填式問卷調查。樣本包括了誰曾獲得的信息,並打算去體驗國外醫療170準醫療遊客。數據收集從2015年8至2月2016年受訪者的最終研究樣本中回答了關於這些變量成本,醫療質量,信譽,位置,醫療條件,信息源,文化/語言的影響的問題到最後決定選擇某一個國家。這項研究還考察了可能存在的風險,熟悉台灣醫療旅遊目的地,用心去訪問台灣及其四個競爭目的地的醫療旅遊的目的看法。我們記錄並分析了SPSS統計電腦包版本23.0的數據。描述性統計包括頻率,百分比,平均值和標準偏差。多元回歸分析結合了因變量的自變量的影響。利用相關分析潛在的關係和它們的方向進行了分析。 結果和討論:結果表明,影響決策的某些目的地就醫最重要的因素是醫生的資格,由醫院提供的高科技醫療設備和同樣的條件成功治療的病例數。成本因素是唯一對來自俄羅斯醫藥出行適度重要。從那些誰的潛在目的地接受治療褒獎被認為是信息的最優選的原料,然後從醫生朋友和家人的建議。的可能性,即比預期的和/或不能轉出如預期的那樣,和國家安全和安全視為最重要的風險的治療可能變得更加昂貴。只有35%的受訪者聽說過台灣作為醫療旅遊的潛在目的地。這35%中,大部分受訪者認為台灣是衛生,安全有保障的醫療旅遊。他們認為醫療在台灣的成本為中等負擔得起的和治療的質量高。這項研究的主要限制是在時間和資源約束,這導致一個小樣本。一個有限樣本數無法實現,因為該國約一定量的俄羅斯患者出國旅遊的產生沒有確切的列表或報告。 結論:醫療旅遊產業預計將繼續在未來幾年的增長;因此,重要的是要了解醫療遊客和他們的價值觀的角度來看的主要影響因素。這項研究表明,人口的人口和經濟特徵可以影響醫療旅遊目的地的選擇和研究這個模型能夠在未來只針對特定人群的用途。這項研究設置在分析病人的動機和潛在的醫療旅遊目的地感知領域未來的調查和研究階段。從長遠來看,它希望捕獲的俄羅斯患者和他們的需求的人口,文化和歷史背景的調查儀器可開發作為外國醫療保健提供商採用為客戶的吸引力強大的營銷策略的工具應用。


醫療旅遊 健康旅遊 動機 醫療決策 選擇


Introduction: Traveling abroad for getting medical treatment is becoming more popular recently among the governments, economists, media, and researchers. Russian people are among those attracted by medical tourism destinations. Countries, that claim themselves as medical tourism destinations embrace the opportunity to attract patients from Russia and develop special programs. Russian patients are seen as key target markets for South Korea, Singapore, and Japan. Among interested countries willing to attract international patients, as well as patients from East Russia, are Thailand, Malaysia, India and more currently Taiwan. Despite the growing interest in the medical tourism area from researchers around the world and growing amount of Russian patients heading abroad for treatment, there is not much previous research exploring the factors influencing the decision-making process Objectives: This study examines the various factors that affect the choices and decisions of Russian and international medical tourists with an example of perceived image of Taiwan as a potential destination. Methods: This cross-sectional study used the self-administered survey questionnaire. A sample consisted of 170 prospective medical tourists who had acquired information and intended to experience foreign healthcare. The data was collected from August 2015 to February 2016. Respondents in the final research sample answered the questions about the effect of such variables as cost, quality of care, reputation, location, medical condition, information source, culture/language into their final decision to choose a certain country. The study also examined perceptions of possible risks, familiarity with Taiwan as a medical-tourism destination, intentions to visit Taiwan and its four competing destinations for the purpose of medical tourism. We recorded and analyzed the data in the SPSS PC Statistical Package version 23.0. The descriptive statistics included the frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Multiple regression analyzed the combine effects of independent variables over dependent variables. Potential relationships and their direction were analyzed using correlation analysis. Results and Discussion: The results show that most important factors that influence a decision to get medical treatment in the certain destination are doctor’s qualification, provision of high technology medical equipment by the hospital and the number of successful treatment cases of the similar condition. The cost factor is only moderately important for the medical travelers from Russia. Testimonials from those who have received treatment in the potential destination are considered the preferable source of information followed by recommendations from doctor and friends and family. The possibility that treatment could become more expensive than expected and/or could not turn out as expected, and country security and safety perceived as the most important risks. Only 35% of respondents heard of Taiwan as a potential destination for medical travel. Of those 35%, the majority of respondents perceive Taiwan as hygienic, safe and secure for medical travel. They perceive the cost of medical treatment in Taiwan as medium affordable and the quality of treatment as high. The main limitations of this study were the time and resource constraints, which resulted in a small sample. A finite sample number could not be achieved because there is no exact list or report produced by the country about a certain amount of Russian patients traveling abroad. Conclusion: Medical tourism industry is predicted to continue its growth in the coming years; therefore, it is essential to understand the major affecting factors from the perspective of medical tourists and their values. This study shows that the demographic and economic characteristics of the population can affect the choice of medical tourism destination, and this model of the study could be used in future for the purpose of targeting only certain population groups. This study sets the stage for future surveys and studies in the area of analyzing patient motivation and perception of potential medical tourism destinations. In the long run, it is hoped that a survey instrument that captures demographic, cultural and historic background of Russian patients and their needs can be developed and applied as a tool for foreign healthcare providers to adopt powerful marketing strategies for customers’ attraction.


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