  • 學位論文


The Business Performance Modelling and Analysis for Leisure Agriculture Industries

指導教授 : 陳平舜


本論文旨在探討臺灣休閒農業的發展及經營現況,主要分析及建構休閒農業產業經營績效之模式,並以結構方程模型探討休閒農業之關鍵成功要素藉由體驗品質影響經營績效之適合度。本研究將休閒農業區分為7種不同的經營型態,除了對整體模型進行驗證外,亦對不同經營型態模型分別進行模型驗證。以問卷調查的方式進行,問卷建構是透過相關文獻蒐集、彙整與探討,來設計問卷構面與衡量變項。調查對象是2016年臺灣地區78個休閒農業區內之從是休閒農業相關產業之園主、經營者或主管,共取得1,072份有效問卷。 結果顯示,本研究所建構之休閒農業整體驗證模式,其配適度皆達可接受水準,而關鍵資源對獲利模式、關鍵流程及顧客價值主張;獲利模式對顧客價主張;顧客價值主張對體驗品質以及體驗品質對經營績效皆達顯著正向關係,而關鍵流程對顧客價值主張及獲利模式並無正向影響。在不同的經營型態衡量變項所產生的樣本分別驗證模型,發現關鍵資源對關鍵流程;獲利模式對顧客價值主張;關鍵流程對顧客價值主張;顧客價值主張對體驗品質以及體驗品質對經營績效,與整體樣本驗證的研究結果一致。依據本研究結果提供結論、建議及管理意涵,作為休閒農業相關業者未來經營改善之方向及後續研究者進行研究規劃與執行之參考依據。


This thesis focuses on discussing the development and situation of Leisure Agriculture in Taiwan, analyzing and modeling Business Performance of Leisure Agriculture Industries. It will discuss the key success factors of Leisure Agriculture by using the Structural Equation Model to analyze how quality experience influences business performance. This research separates Leisure Agriculture into seven different operating styles. Besides overall model verification, different operating style models will be demonstrated in this thesis. The questionnaires were based on the collection, collation and discussion of related literature. This information was then used to form the variables of the questionnaire. The survey subjects were the owners, managers and supervisors of Leisure Agriculture Industries from 78 leisure agriculture locations in Taiwan in 2016. We gained 1,072 valid questionnaires. The results show the suitability of the verification model which was constructed by this institute. We learned that the Key Resources to Profit Formula, Key Processes and Customer Value Proposition, Profit Formula to Customer Value Proposition, Customer Value Proposition to Quality Experience and Quality Experience to Business Performance show correlative relationships. However, Key Processes to Customer Value Proposition and Profit Formula don't show a correlative relationship. The surveys’ variables regarding business weighting were: Key Resources to Key Processes, Profit Formula to Customer Value Proposition, Key Processes to Customer Value Proposition, Customer Value Proposition to Quality Experience and Quality Experience to Business Performance. These results correlated with the overall model verification. As well as having implications for business development, and for guiding future leisure agriculture industries, we offer the conclusions of our research and our advice to follow up researchers.


呂季芳(2013),樂活休閒農業經營模式與產銷通路價值鏈之研究,管理資訊計算,2( 1):164-175。
