  • 學位論文


Graduate Institute of Lifelong Learning and Human Resource Development, College of Education, National Chi-Nan University

指導教授 : 吳明烈


本研究旨在進行南投縣觀光産業運用故事行銷之探討。研究者利用質性深度訪談的方式拜訪南投縣觀光產業的經理人、行銷企劃或負責人,共計八位。目的在於了解研究參與者對自己產業運用故事行銷的經驗、感受與觀點。訪談中針對觀光產業的背景、故事運用的方式、由讀故事到説故事、由看懂到了解等方面加以闡述。有了故事的觀光產業,不只吸引遊客,更令人念念不忘,並且樂於介紹給親朋好友。 以南投縣好山好水好風光,觀光產業搭配聽故事、看故事、說故事與寫故事,然後把故事帶回家。還有伴手禮、文化創意、令人懷念的花布便當。信義鄉梅子夢工廠文化園區展現多元故事行銷,由海角七號的馬拉桑到梅精、梅醋等料理聖品、葡萄盛產季、梅花季節,經常引來大批遊客;溪頭妖怪村更是厲害,每天都有妖怪出沒,咬人貓麵包限量,必須提早排隊,以免向隅;蛇窯文化的傳承也不只是三年四個月;竹山紫南宮土地公傳奇,人多、陣頭多,想創業、出丁先來拜訪土地公;天空的院子以及小鎮文創,花布便當、爆米香令人垂涎,住宿必須提早訂位;紅茶的故鄉在魚池、廖鄉長紅茶故事館18號紅茶的好味道、採茶姑娘人人追的實況,都讓遊客津津樂道。研究者相信觀光産業加入故事行銷更能發光發亮。 研究者透過深度訪談南投縣觀光產業的背景與故事行銷的方法,從受訪者提供的資料及媒體報導,探究南投縣觀光產業運用故事行銷的影響力,最後獲得觀光產業故事行銷的成果。 研究者發現,觀光產業首先要突破的第一關卡是引進人潮,再來更重要就是如何維繫人潮於不墜。故事行銷不失為引進人潮的絕佳方法,但是仍然要注意,故事引進門,產品與服務還得針對顧客需求,不斷創造產品價值,觀察消費者所注重的生活方式,開發商品並用故事妥善加以包裝,凸顯故事背後微妙的象徵意義。觀光旅遊運用故事行銷更有迷人的黏著力。 研究者整理深度訪談做重點歸納和探討,獲得主要的結論如下: (一)南投縣觀光產業運用故事行銷的背景因素包括:觀光產業經濟蕭條,發展遇到危機;觀光產業人潮衰退,產品滯銷;觀光產業發展低迷,須轉型創造新商機。 (二)南投縣觀光產業故事行銷的方法可從下列面向獲得要領:積極創新故事尋找商機、發揮創意製作有趣的活動,引來人潮、互相把餅做大近鄰産業才能同蒙其利、由主軸概念發酵延伸出感人的故事、產品與故事多元整合讓消費者覺得物超所值、故事結合在地價值以利長久發展。 (三)南投縣觀光產業運用故事行銷的影響力大致如下:故事行銷讓產業從低迷轉為興盛、故事行銷提升產品推廣的效益、故事行銷提高新產品的吸引力、故事行銷可開闢新客源、故事行銷可傳遞產業的理念。 (四)南投縣觀光產業故事行銷的成效:使產業起死回生、讓產業啟動教育功能、讓產業增加遊客數量、造成產業產品搶購。 研究者根據本研究結論針對南投縣政府相關單位、觀光產業業者以及未來研究方向提出建議,希望南投縣觀光產業明天會更好。


觀光產業 深度訪談 故事 行銷 故事行銷


This study was designed to investigate storytelling marketing for tourism industry in Nantou County. The researcher used qualitative in-depth interviews to visit Nantou County tourism industry managers, marketing planning staff or person in charge, a total of eight. The researcher aimed at understanding the study participants’ storytelling marketing of their industrial experience, feelings and opinions. During interviews, the researcher collected against the background of the tourism industry, the use of story, reading stories to understand and tell a story and so on. With the story the tourism industry is not only to attract tourists, even more obsessed, and are willing to introduce to friends and family. With Nantou County's good mountains, good water and good scenery, the tourism industry can Allow visitors to listen to the story, to look at the story, to tell the story, to write the story, and then to take home the story. Besides, there are presents, the cultural and creative, the nostalgic fabric lunch. Xinyi Dream Works of the Mei show marketing multiple story from Ma-La-Sun millet wine in Cape No.7 to plum essence, plum vinegar and cooking clergyman, it also attract large numbers of visitors in rich grape or plum season; Xitou Monster Village is more powerful, every day monster infested, Biting Cat Bread limited, you must line up early to avoid disappointment; Snake Kiln cultural heritage is not just three or four months; Zhushan Xinan Temple, there are many people, troupes and more, wanting venture, having children, you first come to visit the legendary Land God; Sky-Yard and Town-Way, fabric lunch, popcorn aroma coveted, accommodation must advance reservations; black tea's hometown in Yuchi Township, a good taste of No.18 black tea in Liao Mayor Black Tea and the live of everyone’s chasing picking girl, let visitors relish. The researcher believes that the tourism industry will be more shine with marketing stories. The researcher, through in-depth interviews with tourism industry in Nantou County's background and storytelling marketing, from data provided by the respondents, and the media reports, explore the above influence of storytelling marketing for tourism Industry in Nantou County., and finally get the storytelling marketing results. The researcher found that the first hurdle of the tourism industry is the introduction of the crowds, again more important is how to maintain the crowd to not fall. The storytelling marketing may well be a great way to introduce the crowds, but we still have to pay attention to the story introduction door, products and services have for the customer needs, and constantly create product value, pay attention to observe the consumer lifestyles, develop commodities and properly be packaged with the story, highlights the subtle symbolism behind the story. Tourism with storytelling marketing is more fascinating. The study does focus on in-depth interviews finishing summarized and discussed, to obtain the main conclusions are as follows: (1) The background factors of storytelling marketing for tourism Industry in Nantou County. include: the tourism industry recession, the development of a crisis; tourism industry crowds recession, sluggish sales; the development of tourism industry in the doldrums, the transformation must create new business opportunities. (2) The method of storytelling marketing for tourism Industry in Nantou County.can be obtained from the following for the essentials: a positive innovation story looking for business opportunities, create interesting creative activity, attracting crowds, each of the pie bigger neighbors industry can partakers of their profits, by the spindle extending the concept of fermentation touching story, the story of multivariate integrative products and make consumers feel value for money, the story is bound to be worth in order to facilitate long-term development. (3) The influence of storytelling marketing for tourism Industry in Nantou County is as follows: The Story of marketing to make industry from the doldrums into prosperity, story marketing to enhance the effectiveness of product promotion, marketing story to improve the attractiveness of new products, marketing story can open up new customers story idea industry marketing can deliver. (4) The effectiveness of storytelling marketing for tourism Industry in Nantou County is: making industry back to life, starting educational function, allowing industry to increase the number of visitors, causing panic buying of industrial products. The researcher makes recommendations for the Nantou County Government-related institutions, tourism industry operators and future research directions according to the research findings, we hope Nantou County tourism industry will be better tomorrow.




